Libertarian Convention 2008 Presidential Candidate Votes Went into 6 rounds until a majority vote advanced Bob Barr
1st Vote
Bob Barr 153 (25%)
Mary Ruwart 152 (25%)
Wayne Allyn Root 123 (20%)
Mike Gravel 71 (11%)
George Phillies 49
Steve Kubby 41
Mike Jingozian 23
Christine Smith 6
None of the above 2
Total votes 579*
*Ron Paul, Penn Jillette, and Daniel Imperato also received votes but where not considered part of the tally
Jingozian and Smith are eliminated; Jingozian throws his support behind Gravel.
Smith is outraged that Bob Barr has the lead; tells delegates to support “a real Libertarian.”
2nd Vote
Bob Barr 188 (30%)
Mary Ruwart 162 (26%)
Wayne Allyn Root 138 (22%)
Mike Gravel 73
George Phillies 36
Steve Kubby 32
None of the above 1
Total votes 630
Kubby eliminated; backs Ruwart.
3rd Vote
Bob Barr 186 (29.6%)
Mary Ruwart 186 (29.6%)
Wayne Allyn Root 146 (23.2%)
Mike Gravel 78 (12.4%)
George Phillies 31
None of the above 1
Total votes 628
George Phillies eliminated; endorses no one. Stress unity: “The enemy is not in here [the Libertarian Convention], the enemy is out there!”
4th Vote
Bob Barr 202 (32%)
Mary Ruwart 202 (32%)
Wayne Allyn Root 146 (24%)
Mike Gravel 76 (12%)
None of the above 2
Total votes 629
Gravel eliminated.
5th Vote
Bob Barr 223 (36%)
Mary Ruwart 229 (37%)
Wayne Allyn Root 165 (26%)
None of the above 0
Total votes 617
Root eliminated; supports a Barr/Root ticket
6th Vote
Bob Barr 324 54%
Mary Ruwart 276 46%
None of the above 4 1%
Total votes 604 |
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