Amateur radio test set Branson Boy Scout troops visit the 2007 Field Day test of emergency radio communications and try their hand at sending out messages. BDN photo by Donna Clevenger
By Donna Clevenger BDN Staff Writer The Amateur Radio operators are scheduled to participate in a nation-wide "Field Day" test of emergency radio communications capablilities at the Mincy Wildlife Area campgrounds from noon, Saturday to noon Sunday.
Every year the "Hams" set up the test on the last full weekend in June in an area where, in theory, no conventional communications would be possible.
"We'd like the public to come to the campsite. This is an opportunity for them to try their hand at sending a message over Ham radio. We will be contacting all 50 states during the test to replicate a complete power outage," Taney County Amateur Radio Emergency Services member Larry Burchett said.
The 24-hour test will be conducted by the Branson-based Tri-Lakes Amateur Radio Club in conjunction with ARES, setting up their emergency communications site at the campgrounds on Saturday. The purpose of the event is prove that emergency communications can still occur in the total absence of power and permanent facilities.
"I anticipate that the Taney County Ambulance District will be bringing their emergency bus to the site. Taney County Emergency Coordinator Chris Berndt and Taney County Presiding Commissioner Chuck Pennel will also make a visit," Burchett said. |
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