Gov. Blunt Reminds Missourians to be Careful of Summer Heat
MIssouri Governor Matt Blunt's Office Press Release
JEFFERSON CITY – As part of Missouri Summer Weather Safety Week, Gov. Matt Blunt and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) remind Missourians to take extra precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses and deaths. "High temperatures and humidity can take a significant toll on a person's well being," Gov. Blunt said. "We have to protect ourselves and take care of those who are more vulnerable to heat, such as seniors and young children. Summer Weather Safety Week reminds us early, before temperatures get dangerously high, to take precautions in the hot weather." Last year, 34 Missourians died due to heat-related causes. Three were children younger than 5 years old, and 18 were age 65 or older. Between 2000 and 2007, 194 Missourians died due to heat-related causes. The elderly and the chronically ill are more vulnerable to the effects of high temperatures. They perspire less and are more likely to have other health problems requiring medications that can impair the body's response to heat. People should check with their doctor or pharmacist to find out if their medications make them more sensitive to heat. In addition, some seniors on fixed incomes may not have air conditioning or may not be able to afford the extra expense of running it. Gov. Blunt and DHSS are asking Missourians to check in on elderly family members and neighbors to confirm they are not suffering from the effects of the heat. Young children are also very sensitive to heat and are at great risk of heat-related illness and death. Infants and children should never be left unattended in hot environments, especially cars, even if they are running with the air conditioner on. It only takes a few minutes for the inside of a car to reach oven-like temperatures, putting anyone left inside at risk of overheating. Children should also not be allowed to play in or around cars. Small children can quickly be trapped because they are not big enough to open the door or roll down the windows to get out. Even older children are at risk if they fall asleep in a hot vehicle or play or hide in the trunk of a car. Infants and children up to four years of age are very sensitive to hot weather and rely on adults to regulate their environments and provide adequate liquids. Without adult help and encouragement, small children often don't drink as much liquid as they should and they can become dehydrated very quickly. Here are some warning signs for heat-related illness and ways to treat it. Heat exhaustion Symptoms:
What to do:
Heat stroke (life threatening) Symptoms:
What to do:
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