Section A. Sections 160.534, 163.011, 313.805, 313.817 and 313.822, RSMo, are repealed and eight new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 1,2,3, 160.534, 163.011, 313.805, 313.817, and 313.822, to read as follows:
Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as "The Schools First Elementary and Secondary Education Funding Initiative."
Section 2. There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Schools First Elementary and Secondary Education Improvement Fund," which shall consist of taxes on excursion gambling boat proceeds, as provided in section 160.534.2, RSMo, to be used solely for the purpose of increasing funding for elementary and secondary education. The schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund shall be state revenues collected from gaming activities for purposes of Article III, Section 39(d) of the Constitution. Moneys in the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund shall be kept separate from the general revenue fund as well as any other funds or accounts in the state treasury. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund and may approve disbursements from the fund in accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180, RSMo. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to the contrary, any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to the credit of the general revenue fund. The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in the same manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys earned on such investments shall be credited to the fund.
Section 3. The Missouri Gaming Commission shall not authorize additional excursion gambling boat licenses after the effective date of this act that exceed the number of licenses which have been approved for excursion gambling boats already built and those under construction. For purposes of this section, "under construction" means an excursion gambling boat that has a license application approved by the Commission for priority investigation and is under construction at the approved site prior to the effective date of this act. If one or more excursion gambling boat licenses issued under chapter 313 is forfeited, surrendered, revoked, not renewed, or expires then the Commission may issue a new license to replace the license that was forfeited, surrendered, revoked, not renewed, or expired.
160.534. 1. For fiscal year 1996 and each subsequent fiscal year, any amount of the excursion gambling boat proceeds deposited in the gaming proceeds for education fund in excess of the amount transferred to the school district bond fund as provided in section 164.303, RSMo, shall be transferred to the classroom trust fund. Such moneys shall be distributed in the manner provided in section 163.043, RSMo.
2. Starting in fiscal year 2009, and for each subsequent fiscal year, all excursion gambling boat proceeds deposited in the gaming proceeds for education fund in excess of the amount transferred to the classroom trust fund for fiscal year 2008 plus the amount appropriated to the school district bond fund in accordance with section 164.303, RSMo, shall be deposited into the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund.
3. The amounts deposited in the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund pursuant to this section shall constitute new and additional funding for elementary and secondary education and shall not be used to replace existing funding provided for elementary and secondary education.
163.011. As used in this chapter unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Adjusted operating levy", the sum of tax rates for the current year for teachers' and incidental funds for a school district as reported to the proper officer of each county pursuant to section 164.011, RSMo;
(2) "Average daily attendance", the quotient or the sum of the quotients obtained by dividing the total number of hours attended in a term by resident pupils between the ages of five and twenty-one by the actual number of hours school was in session in that term. To the average daily attendance of the following school term shall be added the full-time equivalent average daily attendance of summer school students. "Full-time equivalent average daily attendance of summer school students" shall be computed by dividing the total number of hours, except for physical education hours that do not count as credit toward graduation for students in grades nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, attended by all summer school pupils by the number of hours required in section 160.011, RSMo, in the school term. For purposes of determining average daily attendance under this subdivision, the term "resident pupil" shall include all children between the ages of five and twenty-one who are residents of the school district and who are attending kindergarten through grade twelve in such district. If a child is attending school in a district other than the district of residence and the child's parent is teaching in the school district or is a regular employee of the school district which the child is attending, then such child shall be considered a resident pupil of the school district which the child is attending for such period of time when the district of residence is not otherwise liable for tuition. Average daily attendance for students below the age of five years for which a school district may receive state aid based on such attendance shall be computed as regular school term attendance unless otherwise provided by law;
(3) "Current operating expenditures":
(a) For the fiscal year 2007 calculation, "current operating expenditures" shall be calculated using data from fiscal year 2004 and shall be calculated as all expenditures for instruction and support services except capital outlay and debt service expenditures minus the revenue from federal categorical sources; food service; student activities; categorical payments for transportation costs pursuant to section 163.161; state reimbursements for early childhood special education; the career ladder entitlement for the district, as provided for in sections 168.500 to 168.515, RSMo; the vocational education entitlement for the district, as provided for in section 167.332, RSMo; and payments from other districts;
(b) In every fiscal year subsequent to fiscal year 2007, current operating expenditures shall be the amount in paragraph (a) plus any increases in state funding pursuant to sections 163.031 and 163.043 subsequent to fiscal year 2005, not to exceed five percent, per recalculation, of the state revenue received by a district in the 2004-05 school year from the foundation formula, line 14, gifted, remedial reading, exceptional pupil aid, fair share, and free textbook payments for any district from the first preceding calculation of the state adequacy target;
(4) "District's tax rate ceiling", the highest tax rate ceiling in effect subsequent to the 1980 tax year or any subsequent year. Such tax rate ceiling shall not contain any tax levy for debt service;
(5) "Dollar-value modifier", an index of the relative purchasing power of a dollar, calculated as one plus fifteen percent of the difference of the regional wage ratio minus one, provided that the dollar value modifier shall not be applied at a rate less than 1.0:
(a) "County wage per job", the total county wage and salary disbursements divided by the total county wage and salary employment for each county and the city of St. Louis as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year;
(b) "Regional wage per job":
a. The total Missouri wage and salary disbursements of the metropolitan area as defined by the Office of Management and Budget divided by the total Missouri metropolitan wage and salary employment for the metropolitan area for the county signified in the school district number or the city of St. Louis, as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year and recalculated upon every decennial census to incorporate counties that are newly added to the description of metropolitan areas; or if no such metropolitan area is established, then:
b. The total Missouri wage and salary disbursements of the micropolitan area as defined by the Office of Management and Budget divided by the total Missouri micropolitan wage and salary employment for the micropolitan area for the county signified in the school district number, as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year, if a micropolitan area for such county has been established and recalculated upon every decennial census to incorporate counties that are newly added to the description of micropolitan areas; or
c. If a county is not part of a metropolitan or micropolitan area as established by the Office of Management and Budget, then the county wage per job, as defined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, shall be used for the school district, as signified by the school district number;
(c) "Regional wage ratio", the ratio of the regional wage per job divided by the state median wage per job;
(d) "State median wage per job", the fifty-eighth highest county wage per job;
(6) "Free and reduced lunch pupil count", the number of pupils eligible for free and reduced lunch on the last Wednesday in January for the preceding school year who were enrolled as students of the district, as approved by the department in accordance with applicable federal regulations;
(7) "Free and reduced lunch threshold" shall be calculated by dividing the total free and reduced lunch pupil count of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts;
(8) "Limited English proficiency pupil count", the number in the preceding school year of pupils aged three through twenty-one enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary school or secondary school who were not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English or are Native American or Alaskan native, or a native resident of the outlying areas, and come from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on such individuals' level of English language proficiency, or are migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who come from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and have difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language sufficient to deny such individuals the ability to meet the state's proficient level of achievement on state assessments described in Public Law 107-10, the ability to achieve successfully in classrooms where the language of instruction is English, or the opportunity to participate fully in society;
(9) "Limited English proficiency threshold" shall be calculated by dividing the total limited English proficiency pupil count of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts;
(10) "Local effort":
(a) For the fiscal year 2007 calculation, "local effort" shall be computed as the equalized assessed valuation of the property of a school district in calendar year 2004 divided by one hundred and multiplied by the performance levy less the percentage retained by the county assessor and collector plus one hundred percent of the amount received in fiscal year 2005 for school purposes from intangible taxes, fines, escheats, payments in lieu of taxes and receipts from state-assessed railroad and utility tax, one hundred percent of the amount received for school purposes pursuant to the merchants' and manufacturers' taxes under sections 150.010 to 150.370, RSMo, one hundred percent of the amounts received for school purposes from federal properties under sections 12.070 and 12.080, RSMo, except when such amounts are used in the calculation of federal impact aid pursuant to P.L. 81-874, fifty percent of Proposition C revenues received for school purposes from the school district trust fund under section 163.087, and one hundred percent of any local earnings or income taxes received by the district for school purposes. Under this paragraph, for a special district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, a tax levy of zero shall be utilized in lieu of the performance levy for the special school district;
(b) In every year subsequent to fiscal year 2007, "local effort" shall be the amount calculated under paragraph (a) of this subdivision plus any increase in the amount received for school purposes from fines. If a district's assessed valuation has decreased subsequent to the calculation outlined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the district's local effort shall be calculated using the district's current assessed valuation in lieu of the assessed valuation utilized in calculation outlined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision;
(11) "Membership" shall be the average of:
(a) The number of resident full-time students and the full-time equivalent number of part-time students who were enrolled in the public schools of the district on the last Wednesday in September of the previous year and who were in attendance one day or more during the preceding ten school days; and
(b) The number of resident full-time students and the full-time equivalent number of part-time students who were enrolled in the public schools of the district on the last Wednesday in January of the previous year and who were in attendance one day or more during the preceding ten school days, plus the full-time equivalent number of summer school pupils. "Full-time equivalent number of part-time students" is determined by dividing the total number of hours for which all part-time students are enrolled by the number of hours in the school term. "Full-time equivalent number of summer school pupils" is determined by dividing the total number of hours for which all summer school pupils were enrolled by the number of hours required pursuant to section 160.011, RSMo, in the school term. Only students eligible to be counted for average daily attendance shall be counted for membership;
(12) "Operating levy for school purposes", the sum of tax rates levied for teachers' and incidental funds plus the operating levy or sales tax equivalent pursuant to section 162.1100, RSMo, of any transitional school district containing the school district, in the payment year, not including any equalized operating levy for school purposes levied by a special school district in which the district is located;
(13) "Performance district", any district that has met all performance standards and indicators as established by the department of elementary and secondary education for purposes of accreditation under section 161.092, RSMo, and as reported on the final annual performance report for that district each year;
(14) "Performance levy", three dollars and forty-three cents;
(15) "School purposes" pertains to teachers' and incidental funds;
(16) "Special education pupil count", the number of public school students with a current individualized education program and receiving services from the resident district as of December first of the preceding school year, except for special education services provided through a school district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, in which case the sum of the students in each district within the county exceeding the special education threshold of each respective district within the county shall be counted within the special district and not in the district of residence for purposes of distributing the state aid derived from the special education pupil count;
(17) "Special education threshold" shall be calculated by dividing the total special education pupil count of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts;
(18) "State adequacy target", the sum of the current operating expenditures of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, divided by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts plus the total amount of funds placed in the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund in the preceding fiscal year divided by the total average daily attendance of all school districts for the preceding fiscal year. The department of elementary and secondary education shall first calculate the state adequacy target for fiscal year 2007 and recalculate the state adequacy target every two years using the most current available data; provided that the state adequacy target shall be recalculated every year to reflect the per pupil amount of funds placed in the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund in the preceding fiscal year. The recalculation shall never result in a decrease from the previous state adequacy target amount. Should a recalculation result in an increase in the state adequacy target amount, fifty percent of that increase shall be included in the state adequacy target amount in the year of recalculation, and fifty percent of that increase shall be included in the state adequacy target amount in the subsequent year. The state adequacy target may be adjusted to accommodate available appropriations;
(19) "Teacher", any teacher, teacher-secretary, substitute teacher, supervisor, principal, supervising principal, superintendent or assistant superintendent, school nurse, social worker, counselor or librarian who shall, regularly, teach or be employed for no higher than grade twelve more than one-half time in the public schools and who is certified under the laws governing the certification of teachers in Missouri;
(20) "Weighted average daily attendance", the average daily attendance plus the product of twenty-five hundredths multiplied by the free and reduced lunch pupil count that exceeds the free and reduced lunch threshold, plus the product of seventy-five hundredths multiplied by the number of special education pupil count that exceeds the special education threshold, and plus the product of six-tenths multiplied by the number of limited English proficiency pupil count that exceeds the limited English proficiency threshold. For special districts established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, weighted average daily attendance shall be the average daily attendance plus the product of twenty-five hundredths multiplied by the free and reduced lunch pupil count that exceeds the free and reduced lunch threshold, plus the product of seventy-five hundredths multiplied by the sum of the special education pupil count that exceeds the threshold for each county district, plus the product of six-tenths multiplied by the limited English proficiency pupil count that exceeds the limited English proficiency threshold. None of the districts comprising a special district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, shall use any special education pupil count in calculating their weighted average daily attendance.
313.805. The commission shall have full jurisdiction over and shall supervise all gambling operations governed by sections 313.800 to 313.850. The commission shall have the following powers and shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement sections 313.800 to 313.850:
(1) To investigate applicants and determine the priority and eligibility of applicants for a license and to select among competing applicants for a license the applicant which best serves the interests of the citizens of Missouri;
(2) To license the operators of excursion gambling boats and operators of gambling games within such boats, to identify occupations within the excursion gambling boat operations which require licensing, and adopt standards for licensing the occupations including establishing fees for the occupational licenses and to license suppliers;
(3) To adopt standards under which all excursion gambling boat operations shall be held and standards for the facilities within which the gambling operations are to be held. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 311, RSMo, to the contrary, the commission may authorize the operation of gambling games on an excursion gambling boat which is also licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer. The commission shall regulate the wagering structure for gambling excursions [including providing a maximum loss of five hundred dollars per individual player per gambling excursion], provided that the commission shall not establish any regulations or policies that limit the amount of wagers, losses, or buy in amounts.
(4) To enter the premises of excursion gambling boats, facilities, or other places of business of a licensee within this state to determine compliance with sections 313.800 to 313.850;
(5) To investigate alleged violations of sections 313.800 to 313.850 or the commission rules, orders, or final decisions;
(6) To assess any appropriate administrative penalty against a licensee, including, but not limited to, suspension, revocation, and penalties of an amount as determined by the commission up to three times the highest daily amount of gross receipts derived from wagering on the gambling games, whether unauthorized or authorized, conducted during the previous twelve months as well as confiscation and forfeiture of all gambling game equipment used in the conduct of unauthorized gambling games. Forfeitures pursuant to this section shall be enforced as provided in sections 513.600 to 513.645, RSMo;
(7) To require a licensee, an employee of a licensee or holder of an occupational license to remove a person violating a provision of sections 313.800 to 313.850 or the commission rules, orders, or final orders, or other person deemed to be undesirable from the excursion gambling boat or adjacent facilities;
(8) To require the removal from the premises of a licensee, an employee of a licensee, or a holder of an occupational license for a violation of sections 313.800 to 313.850 or a commission rule or engaging in a fraudulent practice;
(9) To require all licensees to file all financial reports required by rules and regulations of the commission;
(10) To issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum for the production of books, records, and other pertinent documents, and to administer oaths and affirmations to the witnesses, when, in the judgment of the commission, it is necessary to enforce sections 313.800 to 313.850 or the commission rules;
(11) To keep accurate and complete records of its proceedings and to certify the records as may be appropriate;
(12) To ensure that the gambling games are conducted fairly. No gambling device shall be set to pay out less than eighty percent of all wagers;
(13) To require all licensees of gambling game operations to use a cashless wagering system whereby all players' money is converted to physical or electronic tokens, electronic cards, or chips which only can be used for wagering on the excursion gambling boat;
(14) To require excursion gambling boat licensees to develop a system, approved by the commission, that allows patrons the option to prohibit the excursion gambling boat licensee from using identifying information for marketing purposes. The provisions of this subdivision shall apply only to patrons giving identifying information for the first time. Such system shall be submitted to the commission by October 1, 2000, and approved by the commission by January 1, 2001. The excursion gambling boat licensee shall use identifying information obtained from patrons who have elected to have marketing blocked under the provisions of this section only for the purposes of enforcing the requirements contained in sections 313.800 to 313.850. This section shall not prohibit the commission from accessing identifying information for the purposes of enforcing section 313.004 and sections 313.800 to 313.850;
(15) To determine which of the authorized gambling games will be permitted on any licensed excursion gambling boat;
(16) Excursion gambling boats shall cruise, unless the commission finds that the best interest of Missouri and the safety of the public indicate the need for continuous docking of the excursion gambling boat in any city or county authorized pursuant to subsection 10 of section 313.812. The commission shall base its decision to allow continuously docked excursion gambling boats on any of the following criteria: the docking location or the excursion cruise could cause danger to the boat's passengers, violate federal law or the law of another state, or cause disruption of interstate commerce or possible interference with railway or barge transportation. In addition, the commission shall consider economic feasibility or impact that would benefit land-based development and permanent job creation. The commission shall not discriminate among applicants for continuous-docking excursion gambling that are similarly situated with respect to the criteria set forth in this section;
(17) The commission shall render a finding concerning the possibility of continuous docking, as described in subdivision (15) of this section, within thirty days after a hearing on any request from an applicant or licensee. Such hearing may be held prior to any final action on licensing to assist an applicant and any city or county in the finalizing of their economic development plan;
(18) To require any applicant for a license or renewal of a license to operate an excursion gambling boat to provide an affirmative action plan which has as its goal the use of best efforts to achieve maximum employment of African-Americans and other minorities and maximum participation in the procurement of contractual purchases of goods and services. This provision shall be administered in accordance with all federal and state employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Civil Rights Act of 1991. At license renewal, the licensee will report on the effectiveness of the plan. The commission shall include the licensee's reported information in its annual report to the joint committee on gaming and wagering;
(19) To take any other action as may be reasonable or appropriate to enforce sections 313.800 to 313.850 and the commission rules.
313.817. 1. Except as permitted in this section, the licensee licensed to operate gambling games shall permit no form of wagering on gambling games.
2. The licensee may receive wagers only from a person present on a licensed excursion gambling boat.
3. Wagering shall not be conducted with money or other negotiable currency. The licensee shall exchange the money of each wagerer for electronic or physical tokens, chips, or other forms of credit to be wagered on the gambling games. The licensee shall exchange the tokens, chips, or other forms of wagering credit for money at the request of the wagerer.
4. A person under twenty-one years of age shall not make a wager on an excursion gambling boat and shall not be allowed in the area of the excursion boat where gambling is being conducted; provided that employees of the licensed operator of the excursion gambling boat who have attained eighteen years of age shall be permitted in the area in which gambling is being conducted when performing employment-related duties, except that no one under twenty-one years of age may be employed as a dealer or accept a wager on an excursion gambling boat. The governing body of a home dock city or county may restrict the age of entrance onto an excursion gambling boat by passage of a local ordinance.
5. In order to help protect patrons from invasion of privacy and the possibility of identity theft, patrons shall not be required to provide fingerprints, retinal scans, biometric forms of identification, any type of patron tracking cards, or other types of identification prior to being permitted to enter the area where gambling is being conducted on an excursion gambling boat or to make a wager, except that, for purposes of establishing that a patron is at least twenty-one years of age as provided in subsection 4 above, a licensee operating an excursion gambling boat shall be authorized to request such patron to provide a valid state or federal photo identification or a valid passport. This section shall not prohibit enforcement of identification requirements that are required by federal law. This section shall not prohibit enforcement of any Missouri statute requiring identification of patrons for reasons other than being permitted to enter the area of an excursion gambling boat where gambling is being conducted or to make a wager.
6. A licensee shall only allow wagering and conduct gambling games at the times allowed by the commission.
[6.] 7. It shall be unlawful for a person to present false identification to a licensee or a gaming agent in order to gain entrance to an excursion gambling boat, cash a check or verify that such person is legally entitled to be present on the excursion gambling boat. Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor for the first offense and a class A misdemeanor for second and subsequent offenses.
313.822. A tax is imposed on the adjusted gross receipts received from gambling games authorized pursuant to sections 313.800 to 313.850 at the rate of [twenty] twenty-one percent. The taxes imposed by this section shall be returned to the commission in accordance with the commission's rules and regulations who shall transfer such taxes to the director of revenue. All checks and drafts remitted for payment of these taxes and fees shall be made payable to the director of revenue. If the commission is not satisfied with the return or payment made by any licensee, it is hereby authorized and empowered to make an assessment of the amount due based upon any information within its possession or that shall come into its possession. Any licensee against whom an assessment is made by the commission may petition for a reassessment. The request for reassessment shall be made within twenty days from the date the assessment was mailed or delivered to the licensee, whichever is earlier. Whereupon the commission shall give notice of a hearing for reassessment and fix the date upon which the hearing shall be held. The assessment shall become final if a request for reassessment is not received by the commission within the twenty days. Except as provided in this section, on and after April 29, 1993, all functions incident to the administration, collection, enforcement, and operation of the tax imposed by sections 144.010 to 144.525, RSMo, shall be applicable to the taxes and fees imposed by this section.
(1) Each excursion gambling boat shall designate a city or county as its home dock. The home dock city or county may enter into agreements with other cities or counties authorized pursuant to subsection 10 of section 313.812 to share revenue obtained pursuant to this section. The home dock city or county shall receive ten percent of the adjusted gross receipts tax collections, as levied pursuant to this section, for use in providing services necessary for the safety of the public visiting an excursion gambling boat. Such home dock city or county shall annually submit to the commission a shared revenue agreement with any other city or county. All moneys owed the home dock city or county shall be deposited and distributed to such city or county in accordance with rules and regulations of the commission. All revenues provided for in this section to be transferred to the governing body of any city not within a county and any city with a population of over three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants shall not be considered state funds and shall be deposited in such city's general revenue fund to be expended as provided for in this section.
(2) The remaining amount of the adjusted gross receipts tax shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the "Gaming Proceeds for Education Fund" which is hereby created in the state treasury. Moneys deposited in this fund shall be kept separate from the general revenue fund as well as any other funds or accounts in the state treasury, shall be used solely for education pursuant to the Missouri Constitution and shall be considered the proceeds of excursion boat gambling and state funds pursuant to article IV, section 15 of the Missouri Constitution. All interest received on the gaming proceeds for education fund shall be credited to the gaming proceeds for education fund. Appropriation of the moneys deposited into the gaming proceeds for education fund shall be pursuant to state law.
(3) The state auditor shall perform an annual audit of the gaming proceeds for education fund and the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund, which shall include the evaluation of whether appropriations for elementary and secondary education have increased and are being used as intended by this act. The state auditor shall make copies of each audit available to the public and to the general assembly.
EXPLANATION Matter enclosed in brackets [thus] in this law is not enacted and is intended to be omitted in the law; new matter enacted and intended to be included in the law is shown underlined thus.
Comments on "Missouri Casino Ballet Initiative Proposition A"