Branson Missouri

Branson Edge

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Church Army Branson receives more than $47,000 in tax credits

Springfield News-Leader staff • December 22, 2008

Church Army Branson has been approved for $47,370 in NAP tax credits. The funds from this NAP project will go to its Parent Child Partnerships in Learning program, a comprehensive program designed to help families achieve and maintain a lifestyle that is free from abuse and neglect. Programming includes parenting and life skills classes; tutoring for school-age children; GED education and testing; child care; transitional housing assistance; and recovery services.

Church Army Branson is a nonprofit Christian ministry designed as an outreach to the alcoholic and addicted of the community of the Branson area. To learn more, call 334-3879.

Other NAP credits, $25,000 each, went to Enhancement Inc. of Potosi to allow the sheltered workshop to purchase a building, and Better Family Life Inc. of St. Louis, to renovate an old school for a center to focus on family life, cultural, educational and business services.

The DED administers the Neighborhood Assistance Program that helps not-for-profit organizations raise private-sector funds by providing partial state tax credits to businesses that make contributions to approved community improvement projects.

Businesses can donate cash, materials, supplies or equipment; technical assistance and professional services; labor; real estate; or stocks and bonds. Credits can equal up to 50 percent of the total amount contributed or up to 70 percent for projects located in most rural areas.

Not-for-profit organizations participating in the NAP program conduct capital campaigns or provide services in the areas of crime prevention, education, job training, physical revitalization, or community services. The Neighborhood Assistance Program is utilized by not-for-profit organizations throughout Missouri to make their communities a more desirable place to live and work, as well as pave the way for economic development.

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