Branson Missouri

Branson Edge

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Carnahan Warns of the Top Threats Facing Missouri Investors in 2010

Missouri Secretary of State News
Jefferson City, Missouri - Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan
today met with groups of seniors in Hannibal and Columbia to discuss
the top threats facing investors in 2010. Carnahan's Securities
Division indentified the threats after reviewing recent investigations
trends, and complaints by investors.

"Missourians should exercise extreme caution when they see any of
these tactics and should call my office to check out any new
investment or financial advisor," Carnahan said. "My office has
returned more than $10 billion to tens of thousands of investors, and
we will continue to help Missourians protect their hard-earned money."

The report, which is below, also contains the top actions Missourians
can take to protect their savings. Detailed information on the top
threats facing Missouri investors is available on the investor
protection website at or by calling the
Investor Protection Hotline at 880 721-7996.

How to Protect your Savings:
The Top Threats to Missouri Investors in 2010

Each year, the Missouri Secretary of State's Securities Division takes
a close look at recent complaints, investigations, and enforcement
actions to identify the top threats facing Missouri investors. Simply
knowing these common threats may help you to spot a scam. Also,
learning the tips to protect your savings may help you avoid a loss
before it is too late.

Top Threats to Investors in 2010

Off-Books Sales. If your broker offers you an investment on the side
instead of one sold through their employer, call the Investor
Protection Hotline. These "off books" investments are not only
illegal, they can be especially risky.
Real Estate Schemes. Investments in the turbulent real estate market
have been pitched as a "sure thing" across the state, particularly in
Southwest Missouri, but unsuspecting investors can suffer damaging
Oil/Gas Investment Opportunities. Oil and gas investment
opportunities, especially those pitched as "joint ventures," may be
misleading and bring high risks.
Variable and Equity Indexed Annuities. While these annuities might be
a sound investment for some, many older investors find themselves
unable to access their savings, which may be locked up for years
unless a substantial penalty is paid.
Improper Sales Techniques. Some sales techniques, such as promising
guaranteed returns or using scare tactics, are misleading and violate
Missouri law. And remember, scam artists often try to find new victims
though family friends or members of their church.
Tips for Protecting Your Savings

Call the Investor Protection Hotline. The first step you should take
when considering any investment opportunity is to call the Investor
Protection Hotline: 800 721-7996. Our staff can tell you whether an
investment is properly registered or if an individual is licensed to
sell securities in Missouri.
Report Anything Suspicious. If you sense something isn't right with
your account statement, if you can't get your advisor to contact you,
or if you can't easily understand just how your investments make
money, you should contact the Missouri Securities Division.
Understand Your Goals. Before handing over your hard-earned money to
anyone, you should evaluate your investment goals. How much risk can
you tolerate? When will you need access to your money? What kind of
tax issues will you face? Then, make certain that your financial
advisor understands these same things.
Get It on Paper. If you have questions about your investments, insist
on complete, easy-to-understand documentation which includes all fees,
costs and charges. When real estate is involved tell the investment
promoter you want a complete prospectus and proof of ownership.
Know When You May Need Access to Your Savings. Too many investors
believe they've made a safe investment decision only to find that they
can't access the money they've put aside. Variable annuities and
equity indexed annuities, for example, can leave an investor without
access to their savings for many years unless they pay large

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