Story Created: Feb 17, 2010 at 11:37 AM CST
Story Updated: Feb 17, 2010 at 1:24 PM CST
Stone County Planning and Zoning received word Wednesday morning that the owners of a National Tiger Sanctuary are no longer asking for a zoning change of 40 acres.
The sanctuary is currently based in Bloomsdale, Missouri.
Neighbors were protesting the plan because they feared it would put the tigers too close to their homes.
According to Joy Wilson at P&Z the owners of the sanctuary are still looking at other land options in Stone and Taney Counties, but for now there are no definite plans.
We spoke with the Keith Kincade, co-owner of the National Tiger Sanctuary. He says they're still considering the Stone Co., but are considering other locations, including Rockaway Beach, Mo., first.
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