M I N U T E S PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF BRANSON, MISSOURI November 4, 2011 (Archive Supplement to Branson Missouri) INTRODUCTORY The Personnel Committee of the City of Branson, Missouri met for a meeting in the Municipal Court Room of the Branson City Hall on Friday, November 4, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. The following members were present: Mayor Presley, Dean Kruithof, Janet Akers, and Luise Bird. Also present were: Lori Helle, Kelli Fleck, Dennis Brunner (EPC), Tim Bonner (EPC), Jamie Rouch (EPC), Hillary Bargman (EPC) and Becky Iverson. Absent: Cris Bohinc and Dr. Parnell. AGENDA Mayor Presley called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Minutes The Minutes from the October 14, 2011 meeting were acknowledged. There were no corrections. Discussion of Health, Life, & Dental Insurance Rates Lori informed the Committee that John Akers was present and would discuss the renewals of the Health, Dental, and Life Insurance. Mr. Akers indicated that a few design changes were made to the plan as outlined on the Anthem Blue Preferred Plus Summary of Benefits – Proposed CHANGES document included in the Agenda packet. Mr. Akers indicated that these changes were initiated at employee’s request to try to keep the premiums the same. With the design changes made, the renewal actually came in a little under last year’s rate. The renewal rate for employee coverage came in at $498.57 as opposed to the current employee rate of $501.70. Mr. Akers informed the Committee that even with the plan design changes, the City still has a very good plan. Mr. Akers indicated that the dental renewal went up 5% with no changes and the life insurance went up 5% on the base life with no change to the voluntary life. Dean mentioned to the Committee that during his last manager’s meeting he shared some of the information about the renewal rates going down on the health plan with employees and they responded with a round of applause. He expressed his appreciation for all of the work that had gone into designing a plan that remained flat dollar wise and was still an excellent benefit for employees. The Personnel Committee also expressed their thanks to the staff and recommends that the renewals be presented to the Board of Aldermen for final approval. Discussion of Health & Wellness/non-tobacco initiatives Lori presented the Wellness and Non-Tobacco Forms to the Committee. Cameron Black of Ollis & Company was also present to answer any questions. Lori informed the Committee that a fifth option was added to the form – I choose not to participate in this program (I realize that I will be obligated to pay 15% of the Employee Coverage health insurance premium cost during 2012 because of this.) Mayor Presley asked if the non-tobacco incentive extended to family members. Lori answered that it does not at this time. Mayor Presley asked Mr. Black if he had prepared other forms like this and he indicated that he had. Both Lori and Kelli indicated that the City’s labor attorney had reviewed and approved the form. There was much discussion regarding how the non-tobacco incentive is being received by the employees. Staff indicated that most of the employees are accepting of the plan, however, there are those who are still feeling penalized and there are at least two who have openly stated that they will drop out of the insurance. Mayor Presley asked that staff come back to the Committee with the number of employees who do decide to drop the insurance. Lori next directed the Committee to the Passive/Active Wellness Options Quarterly Checklist. She indicated that it had been revised to be point-based. It was felt that changing to a point system would provide an easier tracking method for employees to report their wellness activities. The requirements for some of the options were modified. Cameron Black mentioned that the numbers come from the Surgeon General’s report and have been modified to a beginning level. He indicated that while very simplified, for the first year of the program, it will get people moving and then every year we can increase the requirements. There were a number of questions from the Committee including what happens if an employee in unable to accomplish their goals and when they would be subject to the 15 % increase for non-participation. Kelli explained that a “grace” month is built into the plan and as the plan is quarterly based the earliest an employee would have to pay the 15% would be April 1st for non-participation in the first quarter. The Committee recommended adding “walking” to the “Participate in aerobic exercise (running, swimming, jogging, biking, etc.): 30 minute session line of the Active Options”. Luise Bird motioned to approve the Wellness and Non-Tobacco forms with the recommendation of adding walking to the Passive/Active Wellness Options – Quarterly Checklist. Janet Akers seconded. Voting aye: Presley, Akers, Bird, and Kruithof. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried. Discussion of “Opt-Out” Lori presented the 2012 Health Insurance Opt Out Form to the Committee for review. She informed the Committee that only those employees who show proof of other coverage will be allowed to “opt out” and receive the $100 per month payment. There was concern expressed by the Committee that employees would not enroll in comparable or credible coverage. It was determined that since the terminology “credible coverage” means equal to or greater than Medicare coverage, that the City use that terminology. The Committee also discussed the terminology “credible proof”, as it appears in line five of the first option under the paragraph which reads, “I have read and understand the above, and I have elected the paragraph marked below:” The Committee requested that the line be amended to read “…additional proof that I am, in fact, covered under another credible health insurance plan.” Dean Kruithof motioned to approve the 2012 Health Insurance Opt Out Form as amended. Voting Aye: Presley, Akers, Bird and Kruithof. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried. Discussion of EAP Provider Lori informed the Committee that the Employee Assistance Program is currently administered through Anthem. There were four responses to the Request for Quote for Employee Assistance Program provider for the City with Anthem having the low bid. Staff does recommend continuing the EAP services with Anthem for 2012. Dean motioned that the City accept the quote from Anthem for the Employee Assistance Program Provider. Voting Aye: Presley, Akers, Bird, and Kruithof. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried. Discussion of Drug Testing Provider Lori informed the Committee that there was only one response to the Request for Quote for a drug testing provider for the City. The response was from Employee Screening Services. Kelli explained to the Committee that Employee Screening Services has established a relationship with Skaggs Regional Medical Center, who currently provides all the drug testing services for the City of Branson. Employee Screening Services is fully capable of providing all required and needed aspects of the City of Branson’s drug and alcohol testing program, including Compliance and Third Party Administrative services and consulting. The Committee asked if clerical employees were included in the random testing process. Kelli responded that currently we test those employees who are in safety-sensitive positions and those required under DOT guidelines. The City does not currently include clerical employees in their random testing process and to do so would increase costs. Mayor Presley asked to have the Employee Personnel Committee (EPC) discuss this topic and investigate what other employers do and what is standard. Dean motioned that the City accept the quote from Employee Screening Services as drug testing provider. Voting Aye: Presley, Akers, Bird, and Kruithof. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried. Personnel Officer’s Report Lori reported to the Committee that with the Merit Pay Plan going into effect in 2012, there are changes that are necessary to the Personnel Manual to reflect the changes. She informed the Committee that the packet they had, indicates the changes to the Manual in red. After reviewing the changes, there was discussion regarding whether certain positions in Police and Fire, as outlined in Articl3 3 – PAY PLAN & MERIT PLAN, Section 1. Preparation of Pay Plan and Merit Plan on page 14 should be part of the merit pay system or remain on the current step and grade system. It was determined to omit the last two sentences of the first paragraph which read, “The following positions will remain on the pay plan and not convert to the merit plan: Firefighter, Fire Engineer, Fire Captain, Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, Police Officer, Police Captain, and Dispatcher. All other full-time positions in the City will be converted to the merit plan as outlined:” Now, the second paragraph under this heading will begin with the word, “In” and will read, “In 2012, full-time city employees will start transitioning over to the merit plan. In calendar year 2012, all Directors, Assistant Directors, and Upper Level Supervisors (as identified) in each department will transition to the merit plan. All other employees will remain on the pay plan. Additional positions to convert over to the Merit Plan in calendar years 2013 and 2014 will be evaluated in 2012. It was recommended by the Committee that meetings be held with Police and Fire be held to determine their thoughts on whether they should be included in the merit plan or remain on the pay plan. Luise Bird motioned to pass the changes to the Personnel Manual as amended by the Personnel Committee. Voting Aye: Presley, Akers, Bird, and Kruithof. Voting Nay: None. Motion Carried. Discussion on Next Meeting The December meeting of the Personnel Committee was cancelled. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be Friday, January 13, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m. |