Why I am Not a Libertarian by Nathan Schlueter
March 26, 2012 http://thepublicdiscourse.
and conservatism are often lumped together, but there are fundamental
differences between the two philosophies that make them incompatible.
contemporary Tea Party Movement, like its revolutionary ancestor, looks
to principles for guidance. Yet an old but active fault line runs just
beneath the surface of the movement that has the potential to cause a
fatal rupture. Tea Partiers simultaneously promote both a conservatism based upon the principles of the American founding and a libertarianism based on individualism, but the two are ultimately incompatible.
are good at explaining why the market works and why government fails,
and they have made important policy initiatives in areas such as school
choice. On the other hand, they actively oppose laws prohibiting
obscenity, protecting unborn children, promoting marriage, limiting
immigration, and securing American citizens against terrorists. These
positions flow from core principles that have more in common with modern
liberalism than with the American founding, and which threaten to erode
our constitutional order even further.
attraction of libertarianism is also its main defect: it offers neat
solutions to complex problems. Unfortunately, reality is far more
complex than libertarians acknowledge. Only conservatism offers
principles adequate to that reality. Consider ten claims libertarians
often make:
1. "The Founders of the American political order were libertarian."
Although the American Founders believed in limited government, they
were not libertarian. The Constitution was designed for a federal system
of government, specifying and limiting national powers and leaving to
the states the exercise of their customary powers to protect the health,
safety, morals, and welfare of their citizens. None of the American
founders challenged these customary state powers, nor did they attempt
to repeal them. Even on its own terms, the Constitution provides for
powers that many libertarians would object to, such as establishing post
offices, granting patents, regulating commerce among the states, and
suspending the writ of habeas corpus.
2. "Conservatism fears new ideas because it has no distinctive principles of its own to oppose them."
This claim, made by F.A. Hayek, is simply false as applied to American
conservatism (as Hayek himself knew). American conservatism seeks to
conserve the principles of justice that lie at the root of the American
political order, what might be called Natural Law Liberalism. These
principles, enunciated in the Declaration of Independence, are rooted in
nature, which fixes the boundaries to all authority. They include "the
Laws of Nature and Nature's God"; "self-evident" truths such as "all men
are Created equal" and "are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights"; and a clear statement of the end of government, to
"secure" rights and to "effect [the] Safety and Happiness" of the
3. "Only individuals exist, therefore there is no such thing as a 'common good.'" The statement reflects the corrosive nominalism that Richard Weaver decried in Ideas Have Consequences,
and which fatally undercuts the principled limits to coercive authority
identified above. Every human association, whether a marriage, business
partnership, or sports team, has a common good, or why would it exist?
Common goods are not substantial entities standing over and against individual persons; they are
the good of individual persons. But this does not mean common goods are
always divisible into individual shares, like a cake. An orchestra, a
marriage, an army cannot be divided without being destroyed. Within such
associations individual persons exist as bandmates, spouses, and
common good of the political association consists in the ensemble of
conditions in which persons and associations can more easily flourish.
These are nicely summarized in the Preamble to the Constitution of the
United States: "to . . . establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure
the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
4. "The
only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any
member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to
others." The "harm principle," first formulated by J.S.
Mill, is a moral claim. It cannot be derived from moral skepticism
without committing a self-referential fallacy: The argument, "We don't
know what is right or wrong, therefore it is wrong to do x," is
obviously invalid.
a moral claim, the harm principle is not neutral with respect to
competing conceptions of the good. Underlying it is the conviction that
the good for human beings is to live according to one's own conception
of what is good, and to live in a society in which that freedom is
protected. For the sake of this conception of the good, it requires the
repeal of legislation enacted by those with a different conception of
the good. It thus deprives them of their right to choose and live
according to their own conception of the good. In effect, libertarians
wish to compel other persons with whom they disagree to live in a
society that these others find, often with very good reason, to be
hostile to human flourishing.
the harm principle is neither self-evident nor demonstrably true. It
certainly cannot apply to children and mental incompetents, as Mill
himself knew, and this concession significantly undermines the
greatest objection, however, is the narrow construction Mill gives to
it. For him, as for other libertarians, the principle only applies to
bodily harm. But why deny the existence of moral harm? If it is true
that some actions are intrinsically self-destructive or self-corrupting,
then it is also true that encouraging such actions can cause harm to
others. Prostitutes, panders, pushers, and pimps all profit from the
moral corruption of others. Why should society be forced to treat these
actions with indifference because of a questionable moral claim like the
harm principle?
5. "Conscription is Slavery, and Taxation is Robbery."
This is Murray Rothbard's succinct summary of the anarcho-libertarian
objection to politics. Anarcho-libertarians are opposed to conscription
and taxation on principle.
What gives people calling themselves "the state," they ask, the moral
right to do that which, if done by "private" persons, everyone would
call criminal? (Rothbard, consistent to the point of absurdity, would
even prevent parents from restraining their run-away toddlers.) Because
non-anarchist libertarians also regard all coercion as evil, this
objection presents some difficulty for them.
Conservatives do not regard coercion as evil, simpliciter.
Some limits liberate. Human beings enter the world utterly dependent,
and they require for their security and development the authoritative
and sometimes coercive direction of parents, teachers, police, soldiers,
and judges. There are many subtle threads of coercion, conservatives
argue, that make social cooperation possible.
the bounds set by natural right, however, coercion is tyranny. It has
been the greatest achievement of Western civilization to recognize the
basic human needs, interests, and inclinations that make coercive
associations necessary, to carve out their rightful scope and limits,
and to bring them under the discipline of reason and the rule of law.
Civilization depends upon citizens (cives), members of a political association (civitas)
who understand and are grateful for the gift of free government,
attached to its principles, and prepared to defend it against all
threats, including free riders who would exploit the system for their
own private advantage. Libertarians often treat this difficult
achievement like mere scaffolding that can now be kicked down for the
sake of a utopian vision that has never existed and never will.
6. Virtue cannot be coerced, therefore government should not legislate morality. Coercive law cannot make people virtuous. But it can assist or thwart
individuals in making themselves virtuous. Law is both coercive and
expressive. Not only does it shape behavior by attaching to it penalties
or rewards; it also helps shape attitudes, understandings, and
character. Libertarians who doubt this point can examine the difference
in attitudes toward racial discrimination in America before and after
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the availability of pornographic
materials before and after Roth v. United States (1957),
or the stability of marriage before and after the introduction of
no-fault divorce laws in the 1970s. The law, both by prohibition and by
silence, is a powerful signal of acceptable behavior, and thus a
powerful influence on character. When the behavior in question involves
moral norms that are consequential for the rest of society, it is a
proper object of law.
This is not to say that the law must
prohibit every vice or mandate every virtue, as libertarians often
suggest. Aristotle, Aquinas, the Declaration itself all make clear that
"prudence will dictate" whether the costs outweigh the benefits in
concrete circumstances (e.g., difficulty of enforcement; more pressing
needs with scarce resources; the danger of encouraging underground
crime, etc.). But this is prudence in the service of principle, not mere
7. Government should not interfere in the free market.
Because they oppose commerce in things that are intrinsically immoral
and harmful, such as hard drugs, prostitution, or obscene materials,
conservatives are accused by libertarians of opposing the free market.
This is false. Conservatives value the free market as much as
libertarians, as a means for mutually beneficial exchanges, as an
occasion for the exercise of virtues such as creativity, cooperation,
industry, honesty, and thrift, and as an indispensable source of
information (through the pricing mechanism) for individuals on the best
use of resources.
conservatives oppose the "total market," in which all human
associations, such as families and churches, are falsely remade in the
image of ordinary contracts, and in which all voluntary (short of force
or fraud) contracts between consenting adults are enforced by law. In
the libertarian universe there are no citizens, only consumers.
conservatives, private property and the free market are important
institutions for human flourishing, but their value and success
critically depend upon non-market institutions such as the family and
the political association, as well as a moral and cultural milieu
favorable to honesty, trust, industry, and other important virtues. When
the use of private property and market exchanges have spillover effects
that adversely effect these other institutions and individuals, they
are subject to reasonable limits by law. This is the understanding of
law and morality that lies behind the common law, was embraced by the
states after the American Revolution, and although under steady assault
by modern liberals and libertarians, continues in America to this day.
8. The only alternative to libertarianism is totalitarianism. This
is a false dilemma. Between the fantasies of libertarianism and
totalitarianism is the wide spectrum of governments that have actually
existed through most of human history. The false dilemma is often
associated with the slippery slope fallacy: If people are given the power to coerce in one area, they will eventually coerce in all areas. Libertarians rarely give the cause or reason why this must be true, and conservatives deny that it is true.
recognize the dangers of moral fanaticism, but they insist, with
historical evidence to back them up, that the remedy is not to
facilitate the debauchery of society by eliminating the props to good
moral character, but to reinforce and support those props.
9. Libertarianism is based upon a realistic understanding of human nature.
Libertarians accuse conservatives of being utopian or naïve about human
nature. Self-regarding actions are sufficient for producing a free and
prosperous society, they argue. Moreover, power by its very nature
corrupts human beings and therefore should be narrowly circumscribed and
vigilantly watched.
reply that it is the libertarians who are utopian for failing to give
proper weight to the full range of human motives, and to the exigencies
of a free society and limited government. They concur with James
Madison's observation in Federalist
No. 55: "As there is a degree of depravity in mankind, which requires a
certain degree of circumspection and distrust: so there are other
qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and
confidence. Republican government presupposes the existence of these
[latter] qualities in a higher degree than any other form."
virtue alone is not sufficient to secure limited government, but it is
foolish to think that it can be dispensed with altogether. If the
despotism of George III caused the American Revolution, the virtue of
George Washington was necessary to conclude it. "The aim of every
political constitution," Madison writes in Federalist
No. 57, is "first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to
discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society; and
in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping
them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust." Here,
from the "Father of the Constitution," is a sober constitutional
principle based upon a true realism.
10. "Freedom works."
A frequent refrain of Hayek, but what does it mean? Weapons also
"work," though not necessarily for good. Freedom cannot be evaluated
apart from the ends that it serves. John Winthrop, in a passage
Tocqueville called "this beautiful definition of freedom," once said:
There is a liberty of corrupt nature, which is effected by men and beasts, to do what they list; and this liberty is inconsistent with authority, impatient of all restraint; by this liberty, [we are all inferior]; 'tis the grand enemy of truth and peace ...
But there is a civil, a moral, a federal liberty, which is the proper
end and object of authority; it is a liberty for that only which is just
and good; for this liberty you are to stand with the hazard of your
very lives.
Stand the first Tea Partiers did when their true liberty was threatened, and stand we must if it is to be preserved.
Schlueter is a visiting fellow in the James Madison Program at
Princeton University. He is associate professor of philosophy at
Hillsdale College. This piece is adapted from a book manuscript,
co-authored with Nikolai Wenzel, on the Foundations of the
Libertarian-Conservative Debate. Tomorrow Wenzel will defend
libertarianism here on Public Discourse. |
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