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Friday, February 29, 2008

FEC Cites Ortiz for Congress Committee for Failure to File Texas Pre-Primary Report

FEC Cites Ortiz for Congress Committee for Failure to File Texas Pre-Primary Report
Fri, 29 Feb 2008 15:33:15 -0600

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Election Commission cited one Congressional campaign committee in Texas today for failing to file the Pre-Primary report required by the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act).

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FBI's Top Ten News Stories for the Week Ending February 29, 2008

Read about an international initiative targeting counterfeit network hardware, convictions related to a massive bribery and kickback scheme in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the guilty pleas by two cardiologists to embezzlement charges, and more.

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A Very Special Junior Agent: Honoring a Young Friend

Read about Mark Desmarais, who touched a lot of hearts in our Tampa office before losing a battle to cancer at the age of nine.

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Federal Election Commission Reporting Dates Update

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Vs. Rolling Stone

For Immediate Release
February 25, 2008

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691

FBI Response to Rolling Stone Magazine Article on Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs)

(This is a revised version of the original letter sent to the editor of Rolling Stone magazine in response to their article, The Fear Factory, which appeared in the February 7, 2008 edition. Rolling Stone printed an edited version to comport with their word limitations in the February 22, 2008 issue.)

There is an old saying among reporters: The worst thing you can do to a good story is check it out. Guy Lawson ("The Fear Factory," Rolling Stone, February 7th) brings hypothetical theory to new heights. After "checking it out," Mr. Lawson simply tailored his story around any compelling facts that did not fit his original premise. Before coming to the FBI, I worked as a journalist for over 25 years and won most of the major awards that they give to a reporter. I feel I have standing to say that a journalist has an obligation to tell at least two sides of a story. Your readers only got one.

The premise to which Mr. Lawson's story was married is his theory that the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) have to justify their existence in the post 9/11 world by ginning up thin cases against arguably docile suspects who have neither the intent nor capability to cause real harm. Mr. Lawson deftly skips over 27 years of the work of the JTTFs capturing al Qaeda suspects from the first World Trade Center bombing, preventing the attacks on New York landmarks, the Embassy and USS Cole bombings, the Millennium Plot and more. Instead, Mr. Lawson narrowed his focus to cases involving small groups and "lone wolves" that planned to murder American citizens on U.S. soil.

Derrick Shareef, the convicted terrorist at the center of the story who Mr. Lawson frivolously described as being a "wanna-be jihadi," possessed all of the traits necessary to harm or kill innocent citizens. Investigators were also keenly aware of Mr. Shareef's continuous contacts with Hassan Abujihaad, another domestic terror suspect being monitored by the FBI. Mr. Abujihaad was indicted for sending classified e-mails while serving on a U.S. Navy ship to pro-Taliban forces, divulging his naval battle group's operational vulnerabilities. It was only after the two had a falling out that Mr. Shareef accelerated his plans to act independently and swiftly to launch an attack. The JTTF took correct action to disrupt his plans and arrest him.

Mr. Shareef, like scores of suicide bombers overseas, was infused with a poisonous ideology, displayed a single-minded desire to take action, regularly declared his intent to kill, and sought to obtain weapons to commit an attack.

One needs only to reflect on the example of Timothy McVeigh, who murdered 168 U.S. citizens in the Oklahoma City bombing. Mr. McVeigh could have been described as having little money, working a dead end job as a security guard, dealing with anger issues, and devoted to an extremist ideology. Like Mr. Shareef, Mr. McVeigh discussed his plans with others, cased potential targets, took action to secure explosives for the operation, and tried to do it as cheaply as possible.

Other killers have started out with even less. Take John Allan Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo, the "D.C. Snipers." Two practically homeless men, living out of a car, filled with hate and armed with a high-powered assault rifle. As in the case of Mr. Shareef, you might be tempted to call them "losers," but their actions paralyzed greater Washington D.C. for three weeks in 2002. In the end, 10 people died in the attacks and still others were identified from earlier shootings in other states. None of these men would have met Mr. Lawson's standard as being a legitimate threat, yet had the FBI known about them before they struck, we would have been severely criticized.

At any point during his planning process, Mr. Shareef could have stopped his actions, but he chose not to. There is no evidence that he ever wavered in his desire to murder holiday shoppers in the CherryVale Mall that day. Would he have succeeded had it not been for the diligence of the JTTF? Mr. Lawson's story suggests we should be willing to take this gamble, but he is not responsible for the outcome. No one will knock on the doors of Rolling Stone and ask why people died that day.

Not every terrorist needs to be linked to an organized group like al Qaeda to kill the innocent. What these lessons have taught us is that if the motivation is strong enough, challenges such as getting weapons or paying for the operation can be overcome.

JTTF agents and officers abide by FBI procedures, Department of Justice legal guidance, and the United States Constitution. They must bring facts before a judge to get authorization for a warrant or electronic surveillance. Since 9/11, the JTTFs have broken a dozen plots targeting civilians on U.S. soil. None of them have been well-financed, but I cannot remember any victim of a terrorist attack lamenting that they wished they'd been killed by a more expensive plot.

Mr. Lawson's sweeping statement, "The defendants posed little if any demonstrable threat to anyone or anything," seems to be his uneducated guess rather than an objective summary of the legal outcomes or courtroom results. In almost every case heard by a jury, the defendants were found guilty, in spite of having some dedicated and talented defense lawyers articulate the same claims Mr. Lawson has swallowed. The Yassin Aref case in Albany, New York, and the Hamid Hayat case in Lodi, California, are two examples. In other cases such as the "Lackawanna Six," and the Torrance cell, the defendants pled guilty with the advice of counsel.

If we have identified somebody with the intent to take lives in the name of extremism and we fail to take the appropriate action, we are ignoring our sworn mission to protect the innocent. Regardless of criticism, it is our obligation to err on the side of safety while continuing to adhere to Constitutional protections.


John J. Miller
Assistant Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation


Taney County Agenda February 25 - February 29 2008




PHONE:  417-546-7204

Schedule for the week of February 25, 2008 to February 29, 2008

(Meetings will be held at 127 Main Street, unless otherwise noted)



Monday, February 25, 2008 

9:00             County Commission Meeting (Associate Courtroom II)

11:00           BOE (Commission Conference Room)

1:00             Frank Preston & Tressa Luttrell – Work Session with the Commission

                   (Commission Conference Room)

3:00             Donna Neeley – BOE Work Session & 2007 Budget/MAS 90 Request

                   (Commission Conference Room)


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

9:00             Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission)

10:00           HMN – Judicial Signs (Commission Conference Room)


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

 9:00            Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission Conference Room)

                   -Approval of Minutes

                   -Frank Preston & Tressa Luttrell – Work Session w/Commission

                   -Bid Awards > Calcium Chloride, Metal Building, Box Culverts

                   -Board Appointments > BOA, PZ, Transportation Committee

                   -Village of Taneyville ~ Road Sharing Project

                   -NACA Level III Training

                   -Broker of Record Change

                   -Executive Session – Personnel ***per Section 610.021.3

 1:00            BOE (Commission Conference Room)


Thursday, February 28, 2008

9:00             Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission Conference Room)

7:00             Park Board (Old Taney County Jail)


Friday, February 29, 2008

9:00             Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission)

10:00           Ground Breaking for Wilderness in the Ozarks

(C of O, Keeter Center, SDC Room)

2:00             BOE (Commission Conference Room)


The tentative agenda of these meetings may also include a vote to close part of said meeting pursuant to RSMo. 610.021.(1)(2)(3).Copies of this notice may be obtained by contacting  Tressa Luttrell at the address and telephone number listed above.

Posted:                                                                                   I               Posted At:

Date:  2/28/2008                                                                    I               Bulletin Board outside the Associate

By:  NL                                                                                   I               Circuit Courtroom #2, the County Clerk,

At:   2:00 pm                                                                          I               County Commission Office


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jim Strafuss - Public Relations Release by Citizens for Jim Strafuss for Western Taney County Commissioner

Meet Jim Strafuss, Candidate for

Western Taney County Commissioner

GOP Primary


When:  Thursday, Feb. 28

Time:    5:30pm – 6:30pm

Where:  Keeter Center, College of the Ozarks


RSVPs are strongly requested.

Call 339-6757 or send an email to


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jim Stafuss Enters Taney County Commissioner Race - Campaign Press Release

Local Property Owner Jim Strafuss Enters Race for

Western Taney County Commissioner


Forsyth, Missouri � Local property owner Jim Strafuss today announced his candidacy for Western Taney County Commissioner. Strafuss will seek the Republican nomination in the primary election on August 5, 2008.


Strafuss said a group of concerned citizens approached him more than a year ago to run for public office.


"I believe in community service and I share a common vision with the residents of Taney County," Strafuss said. "It is time for a change in our local leadership."


Strafuss has an impressive track record of 15 years of professional business experience. During his career as a technology consultant with Cisco Systems, Inc., Strafuss worked with Fortune 500 Companies such as Tyson Foods, J.B. Hunt and FedEx to develop computer and wireless solutions to improve business communications, operational efficiency and reduce costs.


He founded Valcom Arkansas in Fayetteville, a company dedicated to serving the computer networking needs of small businesses. Before moving to Branson, Strafuss owned and managed several small real estate investments and four bakeries in Northeast Arkansas between 1991 and 2005.


"My wife and I first visited the Tri-Lakes Area on our honeymoon nearly 20 years ago and we've been coming back almost every year since," he said. "We decided to raise our family here because of Faith Life Church and because we share the same values and goals as many of the local residents we now consider friends."


 "A strong economy, a great quality of life, and new opportunities for our young people will take open-minded leadership, cooperation with other government organizations from the local to the federal level, and most of all � a carefully though-out plan for how to address many of the County's issues," Strafuss said.


Strafuss and his wife Javonna own a 15-acre housing development on Table Rock Lake and a parcel off Hwy. 76 near Tanger Outlet Mall, which they plan to develop into a sports and recreation park.


"I'm committed to serving the residents of Taney County and respectfully ask for their vote on Aug. 5 in the primary election for Western Taney County Commissioner," he said.


Strafuss and members of his campaign staff will hold an informal campaign rally from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Thursday, February 28, 2008 at College of the Ozarks, inside the US Bank Lobby. RSVPs are requested. Please call campaign manager Ken Kline at (417) 339-6757 to reserve your seat.


FBI 100: First Strike: Global Terror in America

Fifteen years ago today, a massive explosion rocked Manhattan. Middle Eastern terrorism had just arrived on U.S. soil.

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GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation · 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW· Washington DC 20535· 1-800-439-1420

Monday, February 25, 2008

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It`s not surprise that more than 700,000 medic choice the prescription drug Vi. for their patients with (ED).

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FBI Response to Rolling Stone Magazine Article on Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs)

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This service is provided to you at no charge by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Visit us on the web at

GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation · 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW· Washington DC 20535· 1-800-439-1420

Federal Election Commission Resources for Committee Treasurers Update - New Tip Posted

  A new tip for treasurers has been posted at



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Federal Election Commission Resources for Committee Treasurers Update - New Tip Posted

  A new tip for treasurers has been posted at



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Sunday, February 24, 2008



1. Miami: Irish Citizen Extradited From Switzerland for Money Laundering

Gabriel MacEnroe, an Irish citizen, was extradited from Switzerland and sentenced in a fraudulent pyramid scheme targeting victims in the U.S. Full Story

2. Miami: Five Individuals Indicted for $200 Million Hedge Fund Fraud

Michael Lauer, founder of Lancer Group Hedge Fund, and four others were indicted on conspiracy and wire fraud charges in a $200 million hedge fund fraud. Full Story

3. Houston: Public Officials Plead Guilty to Bribery

City of Brookshire former Mayor Keith Allen Woods and former Department of Public Works Director Henry Anthony Cheney pled guilty to a bribery scheme conspiracy involving city contracts. Full Story

4. Richmond: Indictments in $14 Million Medicaid Fraud

Dr. Ilya Zavelesky, and his wife, Rina Zavelesky, R.N., were indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and money laundering. Full Story

5. Baltimore: Juvenile Probation Officer Indicted

Charles Eugene Tucker, a juvenile probation officer, was indicted on drug trafficking charges. Full Story

6. Los Angeles: Leaders of Pomona Gangs Arrested

A joint federal and state investigation targeting gang activity resulted in the arrest of gang leaders on federal narcotics trafficking charges. Full Story

7. Phoenix: Indictment for Sexual Abuse of Minor

Shawn Michael Cole was indicted for the sexual abuse of a minor while on board a flight from Honolulu to Phoenix. Full Story

8. San Antonio: Police Officers Sentenced in Bribery Scheme

Former Laredo Police Department Officers, Lt. Elroy Rodriguez and Sgt. Alfonso Santos, were sentenced for conspiracy to commit Hobbs Act extortion. Full Story

9. New York: "Boiler Room" Operator Sentenced

Boris Shuster, a.k.a. "Robert Shuster," was sentenced for running a fraudulent foreign currency exchange scheme through his company, Holston, Young, Parker & Associates. Full Story

10. New York: Sentencing in Massive Immigration Fraud Scheme

Beverly Mozer-Browne was sentenced for operating a multi-million dollar immigration fraud scheme through her company, "Help Preparers Professional Services." Full Story

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Taney County Commission Schedule February 25 - 29 2008




PHONE:  417-546-7204

Schedule for the week of February 25, 2008 to February 29, 2008

(Meetings will be held at 127 Main Street, unless otherwise noted)

Monday, February 25, 2008 

9:00             County Commission Meeting (Associate Courtroom II)

11:00           BOE (Commission Conference Room)

1:00             Frank Preston & Tressa Luttrell – Work Session with the Commission

                   (Commission Conference Room)

3:00             Donna Neeley – BOE Work Session & 2007 Budget/MAS 90 Request

                    (Commission Conference Room)


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

9:00             Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission)

10:00           HMN – Judicial Signs (Commission Conference Room)


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

 9:00            Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission Conference Room)

                   -Approval of Minutes


Thursday, February 28, 2008

9:00             Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission Conference Room)

7:00             Park Board (Old Taney County Jail)


Friday, February 29, 2008

9:00             Administrative & Departmental Functions (Commission)



The tentative agenda of these meetings may also include a vote to close part of said meeting pursuant to RSMo. 610.021.(1)(2)(3).Copies of this notice may be obtained by contacting  Tressa Luttrell at the address and telephone number listed above.

Posted:                                                                                   I               Posted At:

Date:  2/22/2008                                                                    I               Bulletin Board outside the Associate

By:  NL                                                                                   I               Circuit Courtroom #2, the County Clerk,

At:   9:00 am                                                                          I               County Commission Office

<a href=" + taneycounty]" rel="tag">[tagname tagname]</a>

Friday, February 22, 2008

Taney County Courthouse History

Taney County Courthouse

Marian M. Ohman
Department of Community Development

County: Taney
Organized: Jan. 6, 1837
Named after: Chief Justice Roger B. Taney of the Supreme Court
County seat: Forsyth

Taney County officially organized in 1837, but most of the official records were destroyed in a courthouse fire during 1885. The tumultuous years during and following the Civil War add further obstacles to documenting the history of all Taney County courthouses. There were at least five and perhaps six. The sixth might more appropriately be called repair work on an already existing courthouse. Chapter 2 of The Land of Taney by Elmo Ingenthron provides the most complete history of Taney County courthouses.

First courts met in private homes until a temporary courthouse site was established at the mouth of Swan Creek, later the town of Forsyth. But commissioners appointed by the state chose to move the county seat to a site at the mouth of Bull Creek. County residents felt slighted by the commissioners' decision, and in 1841 they succeeded in getting legislation authorizing the election of county commissioners by county residents. In 1845 elected county commissioners returned the county seat to Swan Creek.

Apparently, log courthouses were built at each location. In 1941 Work Projects Administration recorders interviewed Judge W. A. Keithly, who remembered that when he was a boy his father showed him the old "peeled cedar" log structure at Bull Creek. Another eyewitness for the W.P.A. report recalled that it was still standing in the 1930s.

According to Ingenthron, in about 1855 the county got permission from the state to borrow from the internal improvement fund to build a three-story, brick courthouse at Forsyth; it came to be regarded as one of the finest buildings in the White River region. Charles H. Groom, interviewed for the W.P.A. project in 1940, said it was about 50 feet square and built by Larkin W. Selsor for $3,600. There are no known illustrations, but if Ingenthron's and Groom's information is correct, this building dating from 1855 would have been a rare example of a three-story courthouse.

During the Civil War, both Confederate and Union troops occupied this courthouse, with possession changing hands more than once. It was severely damaged in a skirmish April 22, 1863. At one time a stockade was built around the courthouse. After the war, workers repaired the courthouse, apparently within existing walls. More evidence is needed to determine whether this should be counted as the fourth courthouse or merely as repair work. Fire destroyed the courthouse and most records Dec. 19, 1885; The remains were razed in 1887.

After the fire in 1885 left the county without an operable courthouse, county residents could not agree on what to do next. In 1886 a petition to move the courthouse to Kissee Mills was defeated. The following year a bond proposal to authorize courthouse funds was not approved. In 1889 a proposal to move the county seat to Taney City also met defeat. Finally, in 1889 plans for building a new courthouse in Forsyth were confirmed after Governor David Francis made a state appropriation of $5,000 to build a new courthouse. A. D. Prather, courthouse superintendent, presented plans and specifications prepared by architect James A. Barton of Springfield. The court accepted bids through Dec. 2, 1889. The day after bids were due Prather modified, or had the architect modify, the original plans by removing a vestibule from the north and reducing the size of the tower.

Prather filed to comply with the court's orders regarding some matter with the courthouse; in a special session Dec. 28 of the same year, the court dismissed him, appointing John H. Parrish in his place. L. W. Selsor, probably the same Larkin W. Selsor associated with the previous courthouse, contracted the building. Built upon part of the foundation of the preceding building, the courthouse measured 40 by 50 feet, with a 10-by-12-foot tower (Figure 1). The courtroom occupied the second floor, offices the first. The building was completed in January 1891. An addition was made to both stories in 1914.

Figure 1
Taney County Courthouse, 1890-1950. (From: postcard, Trenton Boyd collection)

The lake formed by Bull Shoals Dam inundated the area in 1951. The School of the Ozarks purchased the courthouse for $2,000, disassembled it and reused the stone in School of the Ozarks construction. Taney County was compensated $75,000 for the courthouse loss.

On Jan. 20, 1950, the court selected a new site on a bend in the highway that ran through Forsyth. Commissioners first considered building a two-story, 50-by-100-foot, brick-faced building, but all the bids that came in were above the figure the county was willing to commit. The cost of labor was rising, jobs were plentiful, and large Springfield firms were not interest in contracting small projects. So, in April the court turned to local resources for a new plan and labor force. This decision produced one of the most unusual courthouse designs in Missouri.

An engineer, Volney A. Poulson, inspired by South American architecture, conceived the plan for a stuccoed building, planned around an open courtyard. The design called for a 116-foot-square structure, with 10-foot walks around the perimeter. The building, which still functions as the Taney County courthouse, has 24 rooms, including the jail and a 28-by-40-foot courtroom. Central passageways through the building lead to a 42-foot-square open courtyard (Figure 2). Built of cinder blocks, stuccoed and painted off-white, the building is heated by hot water carried through copper tubing. The court contracted with George Brown to build it for $66,912.50. A few months later Brown defaulted. A controversy arose with Poulson, who resigned, and work stopped for a time. Construction which began in July 1950, was completed Aug. 6, 1951. Planners considered future landscaping and a fountain to enhance the effect of the courtyard.

Figure 2
Taney County Courthouse, 1951-. Architect: Volney A. Poulson (From: Elmo Ingenthron, The Land of Taney)



  • Brown, George J. Taney County Seat Since 1837 Forsyth, Missouri. 1952.
  • Ingenthron, Elmo. The Land of Taney. Point Lookout: The School of the Ozarks Press, 1974.


  • Adams, Emmett, "Court Week in Old Forsyth" Ozarks Mountaineer, 23:2 (March 1975), pp. 20-22.
  • "Life of Doomed Courthouse at Forsyth Dates Two Historic Eras in the Ozarks." Kansas City Times, Aug. 12, 1950.


  • Taney County Republican, Jan. 5-Dec. 14, 1950; March 22-Nov. 15, 1951.
  • Taney County Times, Nov. 21, 1889.

UED6105, new May 1981

Source: MSU Extension History of Taney County Courthouse

Missouri Senator Matt Bartle on Abortion Bill 1058

Protecting the Unborn Through Education


JEFFERSON CITY — I've always passionately believed that we have a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves — especially the unborn. Legislation was discussed in the Senate Judiciary Committee this week that takes a step in the right direction by providing additional protection for the unborn as well as for pregnant women who may be in a precarious position. Senate Bill 1058 expands Missouri's abortion law to offer a wider range of educational materials to pregnant women considering an abortion and makes it a crime to coerce abortion. 


Any woman contemplating an abortion has a monumental decision facing her. Maybe she's in a desperate situation and feels as though abortion is her only option. Or maybe she just doesn't have enough information to make an educated choice. She may not even fully comprehend the nature of abortion or the impact such a decision will have on the rest of her life. Regardless, she is facing what is probably one of the most difficult times she'll ever go through and she needs to have all of the facts at her disposal. She needs to be aware of the services that are available and she must have the opportunity to talk to her doctor about the procedure in detail. 


This legislation requires women to fulfill certain educational requirements at least 24 hours before the procedure, including reviewing printed materials and videos outlining the risks of an abortion and the physiological characteristics of an unborn child. Women would be given the unborn child's gestational age and have the opportunity to see the baby via an ultrasound as well as listen to the heartbeat. If the woman is past 22 weeks in her term, information would be provided regarding the possibility of pain to the unborn child. Doctors would also be required to discuss medical assistance and counseling services available and give women information about the Alternatives to Abortion Program.  


Knowingly coercing a woman to have an abortion would be a crime under SB 1058. When a woman feels she has no other option because another person is pushing her, the decision to preserve life will be much more difficult. If an individual attempts to coerce a woman into having an abortion through abuse, threats or any other manner that makes her feel powerless as the decision-maker, that person would be punished. 


Another bill we heard in the Senate Judiciary this week clarifies the age at which a child becomes an adult as it applies to the judicial system. Senate Bill 1054 addresses an inconsistency in Missouri's law. For instance, we haven't quite ironed out the status of 17-year-olds who commit minor offenses — are they adults or children? This bill expands the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts, effectively classifying a 17-year-old as a child in minor, non-criminal offenses that only juveniles can commit, such as curfew violations.  The bill would also strengthen a parent's legal right to act as a parent to their sometimes unwilling 17-year-olds.  It is important that we as a state reaffirm the rights of parents to shepherd their kids during this turbulent time in life.  


If you have any comments or questions about this week's column or any other matter involving state government, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach my office by e-mail at or by phone at (888) 711-9278. My web address is 

Sent on behalf of:

Senator Matt Bartle
Missouri Senate
201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO  65101-6806
(888) 711-9278



FBI's Top Ten News Stories for the Week Ending February 22, 2008

Read about the top ten news stories of the week, including the money laundering sentence of an Irish citizen extradited from Switzerland, and indictments in a $200 million hedge fund fraud conspiracy.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon sues to stop site from publishing Missourians Social Security Numbers

Nixon sues to stop site from providing unfettered access to Missourians' personal information

Feb 20th Press Release

Kansas City, Mo. — Attorney General Jay Nixon wants to shut down a Web site that allows anyone with a credit card to purchase detailed personal information about Missouri consumers – including Social Security numbers – and have its operator fined a hefty sum for each violation of state consumer protection laws. Nixon today filed a lawsuit in Jackson County Circuit Court against the operator of the Web site, a Texas company called The Source for Public Data, which does business as

Nixon says the Web site recklessly provides any user with a credit card with complete access to such personal information as Social Security numbers, addresses, birthdays and physical descriptions of consumers for a cost of $9.95.

"This Web site is a gold mine for identity thieves, and needs to be shut down as soon as possible to protect the privacy of Missourians," Nixon said. "My office has already seen proof of how this site can be used to destroy the credit of innocent consumers in at least one prominent identity theft case."

The Attorney General's Office has been involved in an ongoing criminal case in Florida in which a defendant will soon plead guilty to multiple counts of identity theft and larceny following a joint investigation by Nixon's office, the Miami Police Department, the U.S. Postal Inspector, and the U.S. Secret Service.

The defendant confessed to investigators that she obtained Missourians' Social Security numbers by accessing and entering numbers at random until they got "hits" matching the number entered with a real Missourian whose credit could be ruined. When arrested, the defendant had pages containing the name, address, birthday, social security number, height, and eye color of numerous Missourians, and confessed she got the information from The defendant used the information to obtain nearly $220,000 in fraudulent charges under her victims' names, Nixon said.

Nixon says that both the U.S. Congress and Missouri General Assembly have passed measures to protect the driving records and personal information of Missourians. The Federal Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), passed in 1994, and its state counterparts allow individuals and businesses to obtain information contained in an individual's driving record, but only for certain uses specified in law.

Anyone who provides this information to third parties is obligated under federal law to ensure that the third party's use of the information is for a legitimate purpose allowed under the law. only requires users to indicate what use they are obtaining the information for. Nixon said the site does not provide the level of assurance required under the law that this information will be used for that purpose. In fact, the Web site itself acknowledges that criminals use the site.

"Identity theft is obviously not a legitimate use of this information, and we will not allow the physical and financial security of Missourians to be compromised by Web sites such as," Nixon said.

Today's lawsuit asks the court to issue an immediate temporary restraining order and eventually, a permanent injunction, to shut down the defendant's Web site. Nixon is also requesting that the court order the defendant to pay civil penalties and all costs of investigating and prosecuting the case.


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Federal Election Commission Reporting Dates Update

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Click here to access the updated page.


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Notice to Reporters and Editors

Notice to Reporters and Editors
Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:45:09 -0600

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Election Commission (FEC/Commission) sent the attached letter to Senator John McCain on Tuesday, responding to his letter to the FEC advising that he is withdrawing from the Presidential Primary Matching Payment Program.

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Federal Election Commission Educational Outreach Update - Save the Date Notice


Seminar for Nonconnected PACs
May 14, 2008

The FEC will offer a one-day seminar at its headquarters in Washington, DC, on May 14, 2008 for Nonconnected PACs, including PACs sponsored by partnerships and leadership PACs; registration will begin next month.  Information will be forthcoming in future e-mails and in the April Record.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

KSPR Taney County Coverage 2-20-07

Federal Election Commission Tips for Treasurers Update - New tip posted

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