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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Missouri Republican Platform 2008

2008 Missouri Republican Party Platform
"Leading Missouri Forward"
The Republican Party is the Party of Accomplishment
Missourians are hardworking, honest and devoted to their families and
communities. The
people deserve a state government that reflects and honors those same
values. We are the
party of accomplishment and leading Missouri forward. Our state's
greatness is born in
the hearts of her people, nourished by loving families and strong
communities, and
maintained through generations by the freedom to pursue our dreams.
Most of what is important in life we do willingly for ourselves and
for each other,
without the government. We form our own families and raise our own children. We
choose what we want to do in life. We pray to our God as we choose. We
form and join
the religious and civic groups that care for our neighbors in need and
shape the direction
of our state. There are only a few things we need the government to do
for us; but it
should do those things well and faithfully to help improve our quality of life.
Missourians deserve a fiscally responsible state government with a
vision and the
effective leadership to guide us there. We pledge to continue
providing both the vision
and the effective leadership Missourians need.
WE BELIEVE that all of us are endowed by our Creator with certain
inalienable rights
including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is our
fundamental belief that our
morals, our values and our culture are derived from Almighty God, and
we are committed
to keeping it that way. To quote the Psalmist, "Blessed is the nation
whose God is the
Lord." Psalm 33:12.
WE BELIEVE the strength of Missouri is in the hearts and homes of its citizens.
WE BELIEVE in the right of Missourians to be secure in their persons,
their homes and
their communities.
WE BELIEVE government governs best when it governs least.
WE BELIEVE that all political power is vested in and derived from the
people; that all
government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their
will only, and is
instituted solely for the good of the whole.
WE BELIEVE the role of government should be to "ensure domestic
tranquility, provide
for the common defense and promote the general welfare."
WE BELIEVE in the Republican Party as the best vehicle to build on the
principles of
free enterprise, personal responsibility, economic opportunity, strong
families, moral
values and sound, fiscally responsible government.
WE BELIEVE Missourians are safer, stronger and more optimistic with a
Republican in
the White House.
WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at all local levels. We
encourage their work to advance good government.
WE COMMEND the efforts of Governor Matt Blunt and Republican officials at the
state level. Without question, Missourians are better off with a
Republican governor and
Republicans leading both chambers of the Legislature.
WE COMMEND the efforts of our elected Republican officials in Congress.
WE COMMEND President Bush for eight years of restoring real American values,
integrity, credibility, vision, strength and character to the White House.
Families are the bedrock of Missouri. One question should measure
every public policy:
Does it strengthen or weaken our families? Policies that strengthen
our families should be
pursued. Those that would weaken the family structure must be discarded.
Educating Our Children
Education is a true vehicle of opportunity. The education of
Missouri's children is much
more than the first fiscal priority mandated in the Missouri
Constitution. It is our moral
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Efforts by Governor Blunt and the Republican Legislature to provide additional
funding for public schools. In his first three years, Governor Blunt has already
delivered half a billion new dollars for our public schools.
• Efforts at the state and federal levels to adopt a fair system that
grants parents the
ability to help their children escape failing schools and attend
schools of their
• Quick action to address the urban education crisis that has already
sacrificed the
futures of generations of young people.
• The foundation formula that funds education based on the needs of our children
rather than the taxing capacity of a school district.
• Education savings accounts that are tax exempt and may be used for meeting
education expenses for each individual or family member without penalty for
• Policies that stress the importance of parents in the education
system and allow
and encourage parents to play an active role in their local education system.
• The authority of parents as the primary educators of their children
in all matters,
including morality and sexual responsibility.
• The primary role of parents to provide a safe, loving and nurturing
environment as
well as the guidance, discipline and moral upbringing of their children.
• Protecting children in our public schools and any public entity
where computers
and the Internet are made readily available from pornography on the
Internet, with
local entities choosing the proper filter.
• Rejecting the establishment of school-based clinics/health links that dispense
contraceptives and provide abortion counseling.
• Requiring the informed consent of a parent or guardian before
providing health,
mental health or substance abuse treatment services to minor students in public
• Local school boards in their efforts to guarantee quality
instruction and to remove
the rare unfit teacher.
• Empowering local school districts to determine how best to handle
the teaching of
creationism and the theory of evolution.
• Encouraging people to use their real life experience to teach in
elementary and
secondary schools.
• Republican success in increased funding for Missouri's public universities and
colleges through the appropriations process and the Lewis and Clark Discovery
The Fundamental Right to Life
Civil rights for all citizens, regardless of race, color, religion or
creed and including the
fundamental right to life for born and unborn children, the aged, the
terminally ill and the
handicapped should be provided for in our laws and in our
Constitution. We reaffirm our
support for a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse
legislation to
make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn
children, and
encourage those institutions, including faith-based initiatives, that
take a proactive
approach in teaching sexual responsibility including abstinence to our
young people.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Current state law providing women seeking an abortion with information
regarding alternatives such as adoption, and increasing tax credits to encourage
• Legislation requiring that a minor obtain parental notification and
consent before
obtaining an abortion.
• An immediate end to partial birth abortions.
• Current state law that stops taxpayer money from being spent on abortions or
being given to organizations which perform abortions or make abortion referrals.
• Legislation that prevents public employees from making abortion referrals.
• Current state law that ensures that abortion clinics meet the same
Department of
Health standards required of comparable surgical facilities in the state.
• The continuing opposition to fetal tissue research and efforts to
eliminate such
research within Missouri.
• The compassionate work of individuals and organizations that offer
alternatives to
abortions by meeting the physical, emotional and financial needs of pregnant
women and those support systems necessary for legal adoption.
• Legislation to prohibit all human cloning.
• Legislation overturning Roe vs. Wade and the appointing of federal and state
judges that respect the sanctity of innocent human life.
• Legislation to prohibit "assisted suicide."
The traditional family is the foundation of our great history and
critical to our future.
Building futures through hard work and personal responsibility are
American values that
should be encouraged by government policy.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Missouri's constitutional amendment, as approved by more than 70 percent of
Missourians, clearly stating that only marriages between one man and one woman
will be valid and recognized, whether performed in Missouri or any
other state or
• Efforts to promote healthy marriages.
• A permanent end to the marriage penalty in the tax code.
Comprehensive Health Security
All Missouri citizens should be able to choose and access a health
plan that meets their
needs at a price they can afford. Seniors deserve more health care
choices and assistance
where needed and desired to enable them to access appropriate care and services,
including prescription drugs made more affordable under President Bush's Part D
Prescription Drug Plan.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Governor Blunt's bold initiative to modernize and repair Missouri's
broken lowincome
health care program by reforming the system that was bankrupting our
state and replacing it with MO HealthNet that will provide greater
access to health
care and make it more affordable by focusing on prevention and wellness rather
than just treating disease, and Insure Missouri that will provide health care to
thousands of our uninsured citizens.
• Empowering Missourians to purchase their own personal health insurance,
including legislation signed by Governor Blunt to allow small business owners to
join together to purchase quality, affordable health insurance for
themselves and
their employees.
• Missouri's legal reform law that has allowed doctors to remain in our state by
stopping the abuse and misuse of Missouri's judicial system through
the filing of
frivolous lawsuits.
Missouri's many and diverse faith communities are critical to the rich
fabric of our
society. Government has nothing to fear from people of faith and much
to gain. Faith
communities should be embraced and allowed to offer assistance to
those in need without
undue bureaucratic interference. The most powerful sources of charity,
virtue, and shared
prosperity in our society are not found in government, but in
families, houses of worship,
charities, and free markets. Governor Blunt's FAITH-BASED MISSOURI initiative
recognizes that in order for government programs to be effective we
must engage these
springs of charity, virtue, and shared prosperity by partnering with
religious charities.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Freedom to practice religion, as an individual choice, including the
ability to pray
in school.
• Protecting the acknowledgement of God in our public life.
• Keeping the phrase "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.
• Keeping "In God We Trust" on our currency and in other public declarations.
• All efforts to honor and preserve America's religious heritage and
remain true to
the principles upon which this nation was founded.
Freedom is not America's gift to the world; freedom is God's gift to
each individual.
America has a solemn duty to stand for freedom, at home and abroad,
and a special
responsibility to help make the world a more peaceful place. Fighting
for freedom in
foreign lands helps prevent the necessity of fighting the enemies of
freedom in our
Homeland Security
Since September 11, 2001, America has made tremendous progress in protecting and
defending our homeland. We have improved the government's ability to protect our
infrastructure, guard our borders and patrol our skies.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Taking the War on Terror directly to the enemies of freedom.
• The continued work of the federal and state Departments of Homeland Security
and the increased coordination of the gathering and use of intelligence.
• The fair application of the Patriot Act as a means to provide law enforcement
authorities with the tools necessary to prevent terrorist attacks
while protecting
our individual liberties.
• Greater security at our borders to prevent potentially dangerous
illegal immigrants
from entering our country.
• Revamping the system of monitoring the status of all visas,
including student and
work visas, and mandating better background checks on all aliens applying for
• All efforts to root out the agents of terror and protect Americans
from the evils of
Strong National Security
Defending the nation against its enemies is the first and fundamental
commitment of the
federal government. America must use its position of unparalleled
strength and influence
to create a balance of power in the world that favors freedom.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Committing the resources necessary to fight and to win the War on Terror,
including ongoing military and civilian operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
• Defending the peace by opposing and preventing violence by
terrorists and outlaw
regimes both at home and abroad.
• Preserving the peace by fostering good relations among the world's
great powers.
• Extending the peace by seeking to spread the benefits of freedom and
across the globe.
• A strong national defense that protects our strategic interests and
those of our
• The expansion of all technologies, including the national missile
defense system,
which will allow the United States to intercept any nuclear attack
before it reaches
our borders.
• Increasing the size and strength of our armed forces, improving the
provided to military personnel and providing better benefits to their
spouses and
• Maintaining and expanding each of our excellent military facilities
in Missouri.
• A strong Missouri National Guard and Reserve as an element of the national
military structure and as a support to civil authority, in time of emergency or
• All troops deployed by the United States government.
• The integrity and independence of our U.S. troops under U.S. command.
• The military's courageous efforts, including the vision and
determination of our
commander-in-chief, to protect us from the threat of global terrorism.
• The special relationship between our state and nation and our strong
ally Israel.
Protecting Our Borders
America's immigrants helped forge a nation built on a foundation of
laws. We welcome
those who continue to look to America to pursue life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness
but reject those who enter our country illegally in violation of our
laws. Securing our
borders against illegal immigration must be a priority in the ongoing
battle against
international terrorism and in our efforts to ensure that only
law-abiding citizens receive
the benefits to which they are entitled.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• An immigration policy that does not include amnesty for illegal immigrants.
• Banning illegal immigrants from receiving taxpayer benefits.
• Fair and effective efforts to assure that people who register to
vote in our elections
are indeed citizens of the United States lawfully entitled to cast a ballot.
• Governor Blunt's efforts to protect our citizens and state from
illegal immigrants
through cooperative law enforcement and strict policies related to illegal
Property Rights and the Environment
Landowners have the right to manage their property as good stewards of
the land without
government interference. We believe the source of our riches is embodied in the
production of our foods and the protection of our environment. We
realize the wealth of
our nation comes from the land, and the conservation and wise use of
our resources are
essential to the future of America. We understand that agriculture is
Missouri's largest
industry and support the great work of all our farming families.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• The restricted use of eminent domain only in cases when it is
necessary for the
benefit of the general public and only when full and adequate compensation is
provided to the property owner.
• Expansion of state law that already is providing reliable, affordable and
environmentally sound energy for America's future, reducing our dependence on
foreign sources of energy and responsibly provides for the development of our
domestic energy sources.
• Efforts to promote conservation and diversify our energy supply.
• Policies and programs that enhance agricultural production.
• Value-added production and job growth by processing our raw agricultural
products in Missouri.
• A long-term agricultural policy that enhances Missouri family farms and their
ability to compete.
• A common sense approach to environmental policy by both the federal and state
governments that does not infringe upon the rights of landowners.
• Limitations upon excessive land use regulation and zoning that deny property
owners the fair use of their property.
• Environmental regulation premised upon sound free market principles and
elimination of environmental regulation that imposes excessive financial burdens
for tenuous incremental benefit.
• Policies that recognize that food production and environmental
protection are both
essential to life in our society.
• Sound river management policies that do not threaten the flooding of farmland.
Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice
The Missouri Republican Party is committed to supporting our brave law
personnel and a fair and swift judicial system that protects us from
those who would hurt
our families or threaten our communities. Missourians deserve
protection from the
concerns and fears associated with crime and drugs. Our law
enforcement officers are
putting their lives on the line every day to protect us. They need and
deserve our help.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Appointment of federal and state judges who believe in the rule of law and
understand that the role of a judge is to interpret our laws, not make them.
• Preventing activist judges from violating the Missouri Constitution
by imposing
burdensome taxes on hardworking Missourians.
• Requiring voter photo identification to prevent voter fraud.
• Efforts to assure fair and honest elections, making sure all legally
cast votes are
not diluted, but are counted so that all participants respect the
integrity of the
• Creating a more efficient and secure system of voting by our
military personnel
which guarantees that those who are on the front lines have a say in
governing our
• Strict and swift prosecution of election fraud.
• Expansion of state laws that fully protect our children against
sexual predators
such as the version of Jessica's Law enacted by our Republican-led Legislature
and signed by Governor Blunt.
• Aggressive enforcement of existing laws related to child pornography
and adultoriented
industries that target Missouri families and children, and further
development of law enforcement tools to protect Missourians from such
• Continued efforts to address the special concerns of spouses, children, older
people and others who become victims of abuse.
• An act of Congress mandating the supremacy and controlling authority
of the U.S
Constitution and federal law and the constitutions and laws of the
several states
and prohibiting federal courts from according any United Nations or
foreign court
declaration, law or precedent any weight or authority greater than such federal
and state constitutional and statutory authority.
• A prompt and fair vote by the United States Senate on all judicial
nominees by the
president, according to the Constitution, without a minority of senators
obstructing the process through the improper use of the filibuster.
• Prohibiting the further expansion of gambling within Missouri beyond that
already authorized.
• Zero tolerance for illegal drugs and those who make, sell and
distribute illegal
• Preserving and interpreting the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment
to the United States Constitution, in the manner intended by the
founding fathers.
• State law allowing law-abiding Missourians to carry concealed
firearms and other
Second Amendment protections such as the Castle Doctrine and the protection of
those rights during emergencies.
• The strict enforcement of existing gun laws but not the creation of new and
unnecessary gun control laws.
• Efforts by the Federal Communications Commission to enhance the enforcement
of obscenity and decency standards on television and radio, and to increase the
punishments for violators.
• Swift judgment and sure and appropriate punishment of those who are
guilty, with
limits on the number of appeals.
• Capital punishment where called for and administered in a fair and
manner with all protection afforded by judicial review but without
protracted and
frivolous appeals.
• Greater latitude for law enforcement officials to use incriminating
evidence in the
• Protection of individual liberties guaranteed under the Constitution.
• Creating a consistent standard for trying violent juvenile offenders
as adults.
• Making records of violent juvenile offenders available to school and local
Free Enterprise and Fiscal Responsibility
The people should be taxed only to the extent necessary to provide a
balanced budget
funding the essential functions of government in a manner that is
simple, equitable and
uniform. Missouri families can be trusted to know how to spend their
money more wisely
than government. Free enterprise and fiscal responsibility go hand in
hand. Creating highquality,
family-supporting jobs must be a priority for state government while
at all times
keeping taxes low.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Governor Matt Blunt's Internet-based Missouri Accountability Portal that
provides Missourians with up-to-date access to information about state spending.
• Balancing the federal and state budgets without increased taxes.
• Reducing the overall combined tax burden.
• Eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax.
• Using technology and improved management principles to deliver the highest
quality of government services at the lowest possible cost.
• Maintaining the current moratorium on Internet taxation.
• Expanding job growth by tying job creation and wages to robust economic
• Opening new markets for Missouri products.
• Reducing government regulation and restrictions that prevent the
creation of jobs
and the growth of Missouri businesses.
• Making the 2001 federal tax cuts permanent, including the important step of
abolishing the death tax in the tax code.
• Revitalizing Missouri's urban communities through policies that encourage the
creation of jobs and economic opportunities in those areas.
• Streamlining of government services and utilities to avoid
duplication at the city,
county and state level.
• Continuing to streamline state government at all levels by eliminating fraud,
waste and abuse.
• Performance of government functions at the level of government closest to the
people that can most efficiently perform the task.
• Keeping and enforcing the Hancock Amendment and electing officials who
respect its goals and principles.
• Policies that encourage Missourians to save and invest for their
futures and their
children's futures.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it. As Republicans, we
firmly believe
America and Missouri's best and brightest days are ahead of us. We are
optimistic about
the future, confident of our abilities to shape for each succeeding
generation a nation and
state that are far better than we now enjoy.
Therefore, the Missouri Republican Party SUPPORTS:
• Continuing efforts to build on our accomplishments on behalf of hard-working
Missourians including our commitment to a fiscally responsible government that
rejects tax increases, creates jobs, supports increased funding for education,
believes in a health care system that best serves all Missourians, remains
committed to the sanctity of human life, provides for the security of
our citizens,
and helps ensure that Missouri families grow and prosper.
• Electing Republicans at all levels of government to further our
ideals, values,
ideas and goals of creating a strong, lasting and vibrant state and nation.
• Continuing and expanding a grassroots network unparalleled in our
state's history
of like-minded individuals who support our cause and will carry forward our
mantle for generations to come so that all Missourians will benefit
from our good
work and vision.
These are the principles that unite us as a Party and for which we
proudly stand. We
invite all who share our vision and optimism for a brighter future to
join us. Our solemn
pledge to each other, to the United States of America we love so much
and to the future
of the Great State of Missouri can be found in the American's Creed:
"WE BELIEVE in the United States of America as a government of the
people, by the
people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent
of the governed; a
democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation, of many sovereign states,
a perfect union,
one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom,
equality, justice and
humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and
fortunes. We therefore
believe it is our duty to our country to love it; to support its
Constitution; to obey its laws;
to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies."
The 2008 Missouri Republican Party Platform Committee
Sen. Delbert Scott, Chairman Susan Eckelkamp, Vice Chairman
Kimberleigh Fernandez Chuck Caisley
Judy Moskoff Donna Kirby
Kelly Swanson Doug Russell
Judy Zakibe Harvey Tettlebaum


Taney County Marriages - Turn of the Century 1900

Marriage Records of Taney County, Missouri
Copied by members of
Tansy County, Missouri was formed from Greene County in 1837. Forsyth is the
County seat of Taney County. Census records available 1840-80.

County records were destroyed by fire in 1885, but some real estate
records are in existence through the records of Mr. Chas. H.Groom,
Abstractor, at the time, who was convinced that a second set of
records should always be main tained.

In the following marriage records, affi davits are recorded proving
the marriage of certain parties prior to 1885, the records of which
were destroyed in the fire, and they desired to again record their
marriages for posterity.

u -- under ? Illegibly written
o -- over MG Minister of Gospel
JP - Justice of the Peace

(Compiled 1966-68)


The following marriages were recorded prior to the fire of 1885, and
again recorded later by affidavits of the parties concerned, and will
be found in the following list.

Willis A. Keithley md. Sarah E. Weatherman.........................1866
James McVey md. Sarah J. Jackson.................................1868
Harvey Stockstill md. Nancy E. Goodnight.............. ........ ....1871.
B.P.Parrish md. Phoeba R.Frazier.......
Jesse Roades md. Hester Mansfield................................ 1880
V .A.Cummings md. Martha J. Weatherman .... .1881
D Porter Goss md. Lavonia Gleace 1883
Abbott R. Hinicle md. Florence Isobel Copeland...
D .A White md. Sarah Simpson ...... .......... .......... .... 1884
Samuel Knox md. Louisa Caldwell. ........ ...... .. 1885

Alms, Wil1iam Walnut Shade u21 172
Mary Roberts Walnut Shade u18
Henry W.Alms, his father, and Joe Roberts, her father, gave their
assent to marriage, but marriage data never filled in.

Arnold, V.F. Boone, Boone Co. ,Ark u21 146
Verda Minnie Boone, Boone Co., Ark. u18
Ralph Arnold, father of groom, and Peter Minnie, father of bride, each
gave their assent to said marriage which took place 8-4-1889 by Thomas
W. Darreli, M.G.

Atchison. John Cedar Valley o21 171
T . Youngblood Cedar Valley o18
Md. 2-16-1890 W.S.Haggert. Min. Baptist Ch.

Adams, J.G. Taney City o21 158
Mary L. Stone Taney City o18
Martha C.Johnson, mother of bride gave her consent, but license was
returned - not married.

Ashmore, Jessie T. Kirbyville o21 230
Lillie Caldwell Kirbyville o18
Md. 2-14-1891 by bride's father, Jus. of P.

Ayres, Thomas Protem o21 200
Mancy J . Sullivan Protem u18
Md.8-17-1890 by E.L.Hale,Preacher
R.W.Sullivan, father of Manoy gave his assent.

Alsup, Gee. W. Minoy u21 195
Phoebe Spees Taney u18
Md.7-15-1890 by P.Minnick
Martha Neighbors, mother of Gee. Alsup gives her assent to marr.

Adams, E.W. Brown Branch o21
Suda Palmer Brown Branch o18
Nd. 8-24-1890 by L.C.Guthrey,Min.

Adams, E.B. Protean o21 219
Burlie Moon Protem o18
Md. 12-21-1890 by J.W.Sul1ivan, MG

Adams, Wm. Conner o21 199
Julia M.Hawkins Conner o18
Md.8-8-1890 by J.A.Thomas, JofP.

Adams, John Q. Kissee Mills o21 228
Hattie Hankins Kisses Mills
Md.l-25-1891 by J.A.Thomas, J.ofP
Sarah Hankins, mother of Hattie, gives her assent.

Adams, Millard Forsyth o21 273
Rosie Davidson Taney Co. o18
Md.12-3l-1891 by Wm.H.Jones, JP

Adams, Vinoent Bradleyville o23. 288
Martha G. Johnson Bradleyville o18
Md.5-25-1892 by Arthur Rogers, MG

Arnold, J. H. Forsyth o21 232
Jennie E.Knox Forsyth o18
Md.2-l4-l89l by J. M. Haworth Elder of the Christian ChurchWalnut Shade

Marriage Book No. 2

Abel, William S. o21
Susan J. Pritchard Walnut Shade o18
Md. Sept. 21, 1892 by Geo.W.
Richardson, Minister

Achey, Oliver J. Kirbyville o21 25
Betsey Wiggins Kirbyville o18
Md.12-25-1892 by Jonathan Achey, JP

Adams, John M. Bradleyville u21 22
Sarah J. McPherson Bradleyville o18
Md. 12-11-1892 by Thos.L.Fitch, J. of County Court. Wm. Adams,
father of John M. has given his assent to marriage.

Adams, B.M. Kissee Mills o21 110
Ellen Burns Kissee Mills o18
Md. 8-3-l894 by J.A.Thomas, JP

Alsup, Willis F. Mincy o21 112
Naomi A. Thomason Kirbyville o18
Md.9-19-1894 by John Spencer

Atkins, Columbus L. Kissee Mills o21 181
Maggie J. Beeler Kiss.. Mills u18
Md.9-22-1895 by M.G.Johnson, Min.
Maggie's father gave his assent.

Ayres, H. S. Protem o21 190
Rosa C. Sturgin Kissee Mill o18
Md. 11-24-1895 by J.A.Thomas, JP

Adams, Stephen Brown Branch o21 219
Berthan Barnes Brown Branch
Mi.4-28-1896 by R.D.Candill, JP

Arnold, David Springfield, Mo. o18 183
Catherine Bileyu Candsil (?) o18
Md. 10-1-1895 by J.F.Joines, JP

Arnold, James Lowery, Ark. u21 327
Nora Coker Boone, Ark. o18
Md. 2-20-1898 by John R.Wilson, JP
Parents of the groom have given their assent to said marr.

Arnold, Walter A. Protem o21 318
Sallie A.Manes Forsyth u18
Md.12-27-1897 by J.M.Haworth, Elder
Sallie' a mother has given her assent to said marr.

Applegate, Theodore Mincy o21 289
Oineda A Copeland Cedar Creek o18
Md. 8-8-1897 by W.C.Seago, MG

Applegate, George R. Mincy u21 280
Mary P. Gilstrap Mincy u18
Md.7-18-1897 by W.C.Sego, M.G.

Applegate, Sherman Cedar Creek 374
Mary T. Hinkle Cedar Creek u18
Md.12-18-1898 by Rev.W.C.Seago
Both sets of parents have given their assent to said marr.

Adams, James M. Kiss.. Mills o21 236
Ida Belle Rucker Forsyth u18
md. 7-17-1896 by J.A.Thomas, JP
Father of Ida Belle gives his assent to said marr.

Allen, R. C. Cedar Valley o21 364
Laura Hurley o18
Md. 10-27-1898 by Frank E.Rice, Cedar Valley

Ayres, Charlie M. Protem u21 342
Ollie Nance Protem o18
Md. 5-1-1898 by E.L. Hale, MG.
Parents of Charlie have given their assent to said marr.

Angel, G.D. Omaha, Ark. u21 330
Belle Marshall Omaha, Ark. o18
Md. 3-6-1898 by R.F. Powers, MG.
Father of groom has given his assent in writing to marr.

Alma, Albert 14. Chandler, Okla, o21 258
Rosa Lewis Walnut Shade o18
Md. 12-31-1896 by J.M.Kinyon, JP.

Acton, S.O. Forsyth 04 300
Mrs. Mary J . Brown Sticklesville o18

Adams, A.R. Brown Branch o21 422
Kittie Brake Brown Branch o18
Md. 9-7-1899 by J.G. Lewis, JP.

Adams, John T. Kissee Mills o21 430
Lucy F Devore Kissee Mlls o18
Md. 11-9-1899 by J. A. Thomas, JP

Alldridge, W.M. Protem o21 409
A.M.Shelton Protem o18
Md. 6-18-1899 by Montgomery Smith MG

Ayres, B.F · Kissee Mills o21 400
Mary S.Linkous (?) Kissee Mills u18
Md. 3-26-1899 by M. g. Johnson, Judge Parents have given assent to
marr. of Mary.

Mama, Jake Taneyville u21 385
Minnie Beddingfield Taneyville u18
Md. 1-12-1899 by Arthur Rogers, MG
Parents of this couple have given their assent to said marr.

Alley, Samuel M. Brown Branch o21
Daisey Wright Brown Branch o18
Md. 12-27-1898 by Thos. J.Hicks, MCI


Brake, M.G. Brown Branch o21 425
Sophie A.Dickerson Brown Branch u18
md. 9-24-1899 by J.G.Lwis JP

Box, R.N. Eandime (?) Mo o21 432
Lillie Teeters Bluff o18
Md. 11-3-1899 by J.A.Wagner, JP


Bateman, Daniel L. Swan o21
Mrs. Mary Adams Swan o18
Md.3-28-l886 by J.M.Bedingfield, M.

Barnes, John W. Swan o21 86
Lilly Barous (?) Swan o18
Md.1-22-1888 by W.C.Dyk.s, JP

Barnett, John Brown Branch o21 18
Lattitia Johnson Brown Branch o18
Md.2-3-1886 by T.J.Hicks, MG at bride' a home

Boswell, John R. Branson o21 64
Martha R.Compton Branson ol8
Md. 8-19-1887 by J.A.Beard, MG

Bovard (?) David Reno, Christian Co.Mo. o21 U
Miss Eliza J. Hodge Kirbyville o18
Md. 3-26-1886 byWm.H.Jones, JP

Brown, Harwell Forsyth o21 22
Phobe Wood Forsyth
Md.3-l4-1886 by J.M.Haworth, Elder of Christian Church,
at home of bride's father, and William M.Wood, father of Phebe, has
given his assent to the marriage.

Brown, William H. Kissee Mills o21 31
Maggriet Thomas Kissee Mills o18
Md.12-23-1886 by C.Johnson, at J.A. Thomas' home.

Brackett, Thomas R. Forsyth o21 26
Forsyth o18

Bryant, Austin Eglinton o21 61
Julia A.Noblet Eglinton o18
License issued but no record of marriage.

Bingham, H.L. Protem o21 5
Jane Hunnycutt Protem u18
Md. 10-14-1885 by W.F.Stone, JP
George Curry, brother-in-law of the said Jane Hunnycutt files his
affidavit herewith that she has neither father nor ther living but
they are both dead, and there is no objection to said marriage.

Bird, W.F. Bradleyville u21 49
Matilda Garrison, Brown Branch o18
Md. 8-18-1887 by Jno,H.Bird, MG
Affidavit made that Matilda was over 18 years of age, and the father
of W.F.Bird gives consent.

Burnett, G.A.. Protem o21 32
L.D.Fain Protem o18
Md. 1-2-1887 by Peter minnick, Robert Cuker' s

Bunch W.B. Bradleyville o21 13
Miss Bettie Fitch Bradleyville o18
Md. 4-18-1886 by J. H. Bird Minister

Burris, Joseph Rome, Douglas Co., Mo o21 94
Rachael Cornett Rome, Douglas Co. Mo o18
Md.3-26-1888 by Thos.J.Hicks, MG

Butterfie1d, ?ansene A. Branson o21 6
Indiann Wright Branson u18
Md. 1-24-1886 by Enos Issaacs, JP
E.B. Wright, father of Indiann, gives written consent to marr.

Buck, Price Forsyth o21 79
Mattie Merrell Forsyth o18
md. 11-24-1887 by J .R . Vanzandt . MG.
Price Buck made oath that Mattie Merrell is over 18 years of age.

Beirs, John H. Walnut Shade o21 46
Allice B.Kieth Walnut Shade u18
Md.2-27-1887 by J .W.Boyd, JP.
Her father being present and giving assent to her marriage.

Berry T.J. Branson o21 40
Mary M. Stephens Cedar Valley o18
Md.2-13,l887 by T.A.Stephens, Min.

Bentley, J.P. Cedar Creek o21 36
Mary J.Brown Cedar Creek o18
Md.12-4-1886 by J.C.Birdwell, JP

Branson, Charles L. Kirbyville u21 46
Anna M. Howard Forsyth ul8 Md.3-6-1887 by J.M.Beard, Min.
Their parents are present and give consent to said marriage.

Bohanon, C.F. Boone, Ark. o21 52
E.Wilson Boone, Ark. o18
Did not fill out blank according to law. No marriage recorded.

Blandon, John A. Cedar Valley o21 49
Emma Atchison Cedar Valley o18
John N. Blandon makes affidavit that Emma Atchison is over the age of 18 yrs,
Md. 3-28-1887 by A ,Winkle, Preacher

Burks, Samuel A. Forsyth o21 42
Miss Nary E.Biers Forsyth ol8
Md.12-19-1887 by W.J.Boyd, JP

Blunk, Henry Bradleyville o21 108
Mary Lawrence Haworth o18
Md.9-9-1888 by A.J.Filbeck, Min.

Biles, George H.T. Mincy o21 106
Dora B.Pruitt Mincy 1218
Md. 8-26-1888 by James E.Minor MG

Blunk, Archie Bradleyville o21 135
Mattie Cranfield Bradleyville u18
Md. 4-4-1889 by Thos.L.Fitch,Judge
Co.Court. M.Cranfield, father of bride having given his consent in
writing to said marriage

Bunch, Alexander Bradleyville o21 130
Laura A .Adams Bradleyville u18
Md. 3-15-1889 by Thos.L.Fitch,Judge
Co.Court - Wm. Adams giving his assent in writing to said marr.

Blain, H.H. Cedar Creek o21 128
Signord Rhyn (?) Cedar Creek u18
Nothing filled out on this marr, if it took place.


Baldwin, James Forsyth o21 138
Nora Pike Forsyth o18
Md. 4-16-1889 by J.M.Haworth, Elder of Chr. church

Berry, W.M. Branson o21 133
M. .M.Fullerton Branson o18
Md. 3-10-1889 by W.R.Cox, J.P.

Bryant. Josiah Cedar Creek o21 124
Sarah Walter Cedar Creek u18
Md. 2-4-1889 by J.A.Thomas, J.P.
Mrs. Clementine Walter, mother of bride giving her assent in writing
to said marriage..

Birdwell, Riley V. Cedar Creek u21 124
Ellen Parks Cedar Creek uJ.8
Md.2-7-1889 by Montgomery Smith,MG
Mrs. S.C.Birdvell, mother of said Riley giving her assent in writing
to said marriage, and John Parks, father of said Ellen being present
in person and giving his assent too.

Bledsow, Wesley 'Bradleyville o21 117
Chiny F. Lawson Bradleyville o18
Md. 12-9-1888 by Arthur Rogers

Bowman, E.A. Cedar Valley (Stone Co.) o21 113
Emma Wade Forsyth o18
Md. 11-4-1888 by A.Winkle, Preacher of the Gospel

Bell, W.I. (7) Forsyth o21 146
Louise A . Queen Forsyth u18
Md. 7-18-1889 by W.H.Jones, J.P.
E.B.Queen, father of said Louis gives his assent to said marriage.

Breazeal, George Boone o21 189
Ceuly (7) McGill Boone o18
Md. 6-14-1890 by John Speer, M.G

Brown, Andrew Forsyth o21 144
Susie Bryon Kirbyville o18
Md. 7-27-1889 by J .M.Haworth, Elder Ch. Church

Brown, E. Protem o21 180
Emma McCall Protem o18
Md. 4-25-1890 by E.D.Hale, MG

Brown, W. Cedar Creek o21 179
Callie Griffin Cedar Creek o18
Md. 4-27-1890 by J.L.Dunlap, JP

Brantley, John Mincy u21 173
Martha Riggs Mincy o18
Md. 2-23-1890 by John Speer, MG
Wm. B. Brantley, father of John, gives his assent to marriage.

Braden, Charles Cedar Creek u 21 170
Mary Smith Cedar Creek o18
Md. 2-7-1890 by R.S.Brown, JP
Nancy Braden, mother of Charles, gives her assent to marriage.

Barnes, N.H. Bradleyville o21 160
Nannie Michell Bradleyville o18
Nd. 11-6-1889 by T.J.Stottle, JP


Barker, Edward E. Forsyth o21 167
Dora Sullinger Tansy City u18
Md. 12-25-1889 by J.M.Haworth, Elder Cr.Ch.
Her Lather gives his assent to said marriage.

Brown, J.V. Brown Branch o21 158
Sarah F. Hicks Brown Branch u18
Md. 11-3-1889 by S.C. Guthery mins.
J.T.Hicks, father of bride, gives assent to marriage which took place
at home of Thos. Hicks.

Bark, James T. Kirbyville u21 211
Molly R. Whorton Kirbyville o18
Hd. 11-11-1890 by Martin Wallman
W.M.Burk, father of James, gave his assent.

Banner, J.L. Protem o21 210
Susan Buttler Protem o18
Md. 11-7-1890 by Ordained Pr. of Gospel who did not give his name.

Bell, Thomas Cedar Creek o21 207
Annie Bentley Cedar Creek o18
Md. 9-28-1890 by J.L.Dunlap, JofP.I

Blakey, J.H. Protem o21 247
Smith Protem u18
Md. 7-29-1891 by E.L.Hale, min.
Wm. and Martha Smith, parents of Mary give their assent in writing.

Blakey, Jasper M. Protem o21 267
Tawns , Mahalie Protem o18
Md. 11-29-1891 by E.L. Hale, Min.

Branson, Chas. F. Kirbyville o21 256
Susan Hensley Kirbyville o18
md. 9-6-1891 by D.H. Pickett Min.
The said Chas. F. Branson and Edward Branson made oath saying the said
Chas.F.Branson and Susan Hensley are each of lawful age to be united
in marriage.

Burnett, Randolph Cedar Creek o21 259
Polly A. Hopper Cedar Creek o18
Md. 10-4-1891 by W.D. Wyrick, JP

Barnes, C.B. Oakflat, Ark. o21 242
Jane Bradley Oakflat, Ark. o18
Md. 5-29-1891 by W.H.Jones. JP.
Each made oath that they are of legal age to marry.

Bird, William T. Protem o21 292
Sidney E. Stone Protem o18
Md. 7-3-1892 by Simon P.Doston, JP

Berry, G. W. aanson 021 248
Sarah L. Fossett Branson o18
Md. 8-2-1891 by W.R.Cox JP

Baldwin, I.H. Forsyth o21 267
Arttie B. Thompson Forsyth -
Md. 12-13-1891 by Wm. H. Jones,

Bell, William W. Forsyth o21 237
Susannah E. Brown Taney City o18
Md. 3-22-1891 by J.M.Haworth, E. C .Church

Browner, J. P. Swan o21 277
Mary McCoy Swan u18
Md. 1-31-1892 by Elias Clevenger, Min. J.P.
Browner and E.C. Davis make oath and say the parents of Mary have
given their assent to marriage.

Bunch, B.F. Protem o21
Blanche Wood Protem u18
Md. 4-10-1892 by Elder W.F.Stone
J.Wood and S.E.Wood, parents of Blanche give their assent to marr.

Backus, C.H. Branson o21 282 Laura Combs Branson o18
Md. 4-3-1892 by W.R.Cox, JP

Blunk, Wm. H. Jr. Bradleyville o21 Margaret Selvidge Bradleyville u18
Md. 7-18-1892 by A.J.Filbeck. A.J.
Selvidge, father of Margaret has given his assent to said marr.

Brittain, Geo. N. Allurve Ind. Terr u21 U Eva L. Pruitt Cedar Valley o18
Md. 9-7-1892 by J.M.Beard, Min..
J.F. and M.J. parents of said George N. Brittain have given assent to said marr.

Burns, John C. Bradleyville o21 15 Louisa B. Washburn Bradleyville u18
Md. 10-1-1892 by A.J.Filbeck, Min. Maline Simmons , guardian of the
said Louise, has given her assent to the said marr.

Brown, William F , Cedar Creek u21 9
Allice Gray Cedar Creek u18
Md. 8-25-1892 by Montgomery Smith, Minister.
The father, A.J. Brown gives his assent to said marr. Also the mother
of the bride has given her assent to said marr.

Blackwell, Charlie Cedar Creek u21 17
Sarah Fisher Kirbyville o18
Md. 10-23-1892 by H.L. Irelan, JP
Charlie Blackwell and Calvin Ogle on their oath state that the mother
of said Charlie Blackwell has given her assent to said marr.

Boothe, James M. Mincy o21 18
Louisa McGill Mincy o18
Md. 11-2-1892 by Joseph A.Cornett, JP.

Compton, Geo. W. Branson o21 17
Lenna Combs Branson o18
Md. 10-29-1892 by C.W. Smith, M.G.

Beddingfield, John W. Tansy City o21 21
Belle Chitwood Tansy City o18
Md. 11-27-1892 by J.M. Haworth, Elder Christian Church

Belt, Walter A. Cedar Valley o21 40
Martha E.Gillis Cedar Valley o18
Md. 2-22-1893 by Eld. W.M. Kerns

Byrns. John Bradleyville o21 23
Eliza Nalley Bradleyville o18
Md. 12-14-1892 by A.L.Filbeck, Min.

Beeman, William Branuon o21 28
Eva Compton Branson o18
Md. Jan. 1, 1893 by W.R.Cox JP

Barber. Henry E. Cedar Creek o21 29
Meranda R. Brown Cedar Creek o18
Md. 1-8-1893 by H .L . frelan. JP

Bonebrake, Jas. E. Chanute, Kansas o21 41
Miss Florence Kilby Taney city o18
Md. 2-25-1893 by J.M.Hayworth, Elder Christian Church

Bunch, C.M. Ozark, Mo. o21 42
Miss Sallie Johnson Bradleyville o18
Md. 2-19-1893 by Thos.L.Fitch, Probate Judge County Court

Breeden A.J. Jr. (This could be Bruden). Forsyth o21 45
Annie Lynn Forsyth o18
Md. 3-12-1893 by Leroy Thorns. MG

Brankel, Frank G. Walrmt Shade o21 49
Mary C. Maddux Branson o18
Md. 4-2-1893 by W.R.Cox, JP

Brown, fra E. Kisses Mills o21 46
Sarah Thorns Kisses Mills u18
Md.3-19-1893 by U.G.Johnson, Min.
J.A. Thomas, father of Sarah, has given his assent to said uarr.

Brown, C.B. Theodocia, lb. o21 50
Birdie Cross Bradleyville o18
Md. 4-21-1893 by L.W. Fields, Assoc. Judge Taney City

Burns, John W. Taney City o21 51
Hester E. Triplett Tansy City o18
Md. 4-30-1893 by Arthur Rogers, M.G

Blunk, J.P. Bradleyville u21 53
Mary S. Byrns Bradleyville o18
Md. 6-18-1893 by Arthur Rogers, Min. of Gospel.
W.W. Blunk, father of J.P. has given his assent to said marr.

Brown, George Cedar Creek u 21 56
Catherine Hubbard Cedar Creek u18
Md. 8-3-1893 by W.L. Irelan, JP.
James A. Brown father of George, and Marbhel Hubbard. father of
Catherine, have given their assent to said marr.

Bileu, Martin F. Andevil (sic) o21 58
Martha A.A. Haggard Kirbyvifle o18
Mi. 8-26-1893 by J.M. Hayworth, Elder Christian Church

Blevins, (kant Denver, Ark. o21 71
Amanda Long Denver Ark. o18
Md. 11-25-1893 by James F.Brittain, Min.

Boothe, J.G. Mincy o21 73
Tennessee Franco Mincy
Md. 12-14-1893 by J.R.Wilson, J.P. for Scott Township

Burnham, N.S. Kirbyville o21 74
Alice Stphens Kirbyville o18
Md. 12-19-1893 by Leroy Thorns, M.

Burton , John Protem o21 13
Manda Mashburn Protem o18
Md. 9-11-1892 by Joseph Henson, Min

Brumfield, E. .A Hercules u21 207
Ellen Ford Cedar Creek u18
Md.2-23-1896 by H.L.Irelan, JP
The parents have given their assent in writing for the marriage of the
parties. See affi davit on file.

Beeler, John 4. Kissee Mills o21 202
Elizabeth Moseley Kissee Mills o18
md. 1-20-1896 by Arthur Rogers, MG

Braman, Charles R. Reno o21 198
Amana P. Johnson Reno o18
Md. 12-29-1895 by James C. Keithley, J.P.

Beshear, W.R. Kirbyville o21 193
Lyla Pertle Kirbyvilie o18
Md. 12-9-1895 by John Spear 16

Bingham, R.W. Kirbyville o21 189
Dorinda White Kirbyville
Md. 11-19-1895 by John Speer MG

Brawner, George W. Cedar Creek u21 188
Dora McCourtney Cedar Creek u18
Md.11-17-1895 by John M.
Winnett, M.G. The parents of both parties have given their assent to
the marriage.

Bryan, Hiram Kirbyville o21 182
Cora Fulkerson Kirbyville o18
Md. 9-23-1895 by Leroy Thomas, min.

Buttler, or, Thomas H. Protem o21 173
Alice Shelton Protem o18
Md. 8-16-1895 by A.D.Deakins, JP

Bowlin, William bill Fonte, Ark. o21 161
Nancy T. Martin bill Fonte, Ark. o 18
md. 6-12-1895 by J.M.Kinyon, JP

Berry, Marvin Branson o21 170
Nancy McMullen Branson o18
Md. 7- 20-1895 by Wm. Maddux, JP

Boswell, R. Grant Forsyth o21 158
Lucy E. Wisdom Forsyth o18
md. 5-19-1895 by J.M.Haworth, Elder

Barchman, H. A. Kirbyville o21 160
Ona Kieshlick Kirbyville o18
Md. 5-27-1895 by D.H.Piokett, Min.

Breese, William H. Branson o21 162
Lavinia Doolin Branson o18
Md. 6-29-1895 by R.T.Powers, Min.

Beroth, Oben Walnut Shade o21 121
Sarah Gloyd Kirbyville o18
Md. 12-2-1894 by John Speer, M.G.

Burke, W.B. Forsyth o21 85
Martha Briles Forsyth o18
Md. 1-4-1894 by W.W.Jones, J.P.

Blood, Calvin L. Boone, Ark. o2l 148
Sarah J. Thomas Boone, Ark. ol8
Md. 4-10-1895 by David Martin, MG
Calvin, on his oath, swears that Sarah is over 18 yrs. of age.

Bowerman, Jacob L. Forsyth o21 145
Gracie M. Middleton Forsyth u18
Md. 3-3-1895 by J.M.Haworth, Elder
Gracies father gave his assent, in writing.

Benjamin, Julius P. Protem o21 132
Bessie L. Frank Protem o18
Md. 1-6-1895 by A.D. Deakins, JP
Julius swore upon his oath that Bessie is over 18 years of age.

Bedingfield, G. T. Taneyville o21 125
Jane Nance Taneyville o18
Md. 11-23-1894 by Ed Weflington,
G.T.Bedingfield makes oath and says that Jane is over 18 yrs. of age.

Brightwell, John N. Protem o21 91
Fannie E. Clark Protem o18
Md. 3-18-1894 by J.A.Coiner

Brooks W. A. Kirbyville o21 82
Ada L . Buck Kirbyville o18
Md. 1-21-1894 by James R.Vanzant, G.M.

Blassingame, G .R. Walnut Shade o2l 21?
Maggie LeWallen Walnut Shade o18
Md. 4-9-1896 by J.M. Haworth, Elder
Cedar Creek

Baughman, George Cedar Creek o21 102
Rosa Juda o18
Md. 5-20-1894 by W.L.Irelan, JP

Butler, J. L. Cedar Valley o2l 101
Samantha L. White Self, Ark. o18
Md. 5-20-1894 by J.R.Wilson, JP

Beehymer, Mansford Tidwell u21 99
Sarah Ford Tidwell u18
Md. 4-29-1894 by J.W. Sullivan, Min.
R.W. Sullivan, guardian of Sarah, has given his assent to marr.

Bearden, L. F. Day o21 97
Laura Cupp Day o18
Md. 4-18-1894 by James C. Keithley, Justice Peace

Baker, Wm. A. Swan o21 96
Iaona Lawson Taney City o18
Md. 3-21-1894 by Rev.W.S.Dipley

Behymer, James Protem o21 89
Lottie Hatfield Protem u18
Md. 1-21-1894 by Elder Wm. R.
Burnett. C.L. Auberry, guardian, has given his assent to marr.

Branson, Edward M. Kirbyville o21 128
Katie Hemsby(?) Hensly? Kirbyville o18
Md. 2-20-1895 by John Speer, M.G.

Branson, William
Lenora Hawkins 128
Md.12-24-1894 by Wm. Maddux, JP
Thos. P.Wright and Elizabeth Wright (mother of William Branson, give
their assent to said rnarr.

Brown, William F. Kissee Mills o21 174
Mary J. Cardwell Tidwell o18
Md. 8-18-1895 by John M. Winnett, MG

Brown, Ira C. Kissee Mills o21 146
Catherine Rice Rogersville u18
Md. 3-11-1895 by W.J. Hull, Judge of Probate Court.
Ira and Felice Kisses made oath that the parents of Catherine Rice gav, assent.

Brown, David C. Taney City o21 144
Ida B. Adams u18
Md. 3-3-1895 by J.M.Haworth, Elder City
Her father has given his written assent to said marr.

Brown, Benjamin J. Taney City o21 141
Nary 0. Adams o18
Md. 2-17-1895 by J.M.Haworth, Elder Taney City

Brown, O.W. Cedar Creek o21 108
Jennie Griffin Cedar Creek o18
Md. 8-12-1894 by W. L. Irelan, JP. JP.

Batt, Henry S. Protem o21 350
maud Caldwell Protem o18
Md. 7-3-1898 by Simon P.Dotson, JP

Batt, George W. Protem o21 332
Laura C .Blankinship Protem o18
Md. 3-12-1898 by S.P.Dotson, JP

Brown, Samuel T. Cedar Creek o21 271
(bra Hunt Cedar Creek o18
Md. 5-1-1897 by J.C.Johnson, MG

Brown, John Kirbyville o21 265
Anna Gregory Kirbyville o18
Md. 2-28-1897 by James F. Brittain, Min.G.

Brown, J. D. Ditt, Ozark City o21 245
Dump Taber Ditt o18
Md. 9-30-1896 by Joseph Henson, MG

Brown, James L. Cedar Creek o21 243
Effie L. Dunlap Cedar Creek u18
Md. 9-16-1896 by H.L. Irelan, JP
Effie's parents have given assent to this marr.

Brown, William J. Cedar Creek o21 350
Margaret L. Marlen Cedar Creek u18
Md.7-10-1898 by W.C.Seago, M.G.
Parents of Margaret have given their assent to said marr.

Birdwell, J.H. Cedar Creek o21 356
Susie J.Brown Cedar Creek o18
Md. 9-11-1898 by Allen R. Bagley, M.G.

Birdwell, S.D. Cedar Creek o2l 251
Grace Holt Cedar Creek u18
Md. 11-8-1896 by at home of Thomas Holt. parents of Grace have given
their assent to marr.

Branson, J.T. Kirbyville o21 316
Martha E .Edwards Kirbyville u18
Md. 12-22-1897 by Leroy Thomas , MG
Parents of Martha have given their assent in writing to license to issue.

Branson, Ruben 0. Lead Hill, Ark. o21 311
Lydia Owen Lead Hill, Ark. o18
Md. 11-7-1897 by H.L.Irelan, JP
Father of Lydia appeared in person and directed the license be issued.

Baird, John T. Ozark, Christian Co. o21 313
Myrtle L. Stout Forsyth u18
Md. 11-19-1897 by J.M.Haworth, Elder
Parents of Myrtle have given as sent to said inarr.

Beroth, Oben Walnut Shade o21 324
Fannie Jones Branson o18
Md. 2-1-1898 by J.M.Kinyon, JP.

Bolen, John H. (Citizen of the USA) Walnut Shade u21 349
Laura E. Masters Walnut Shade u18
Md. 6-22-1898 by J.M.Kinyon, J.P.
Mother of John and parents of Laura have given their assent to said marr.

Beyers, Louis N. Chadwick, Christian Co o21 358
Henryettie Ince Swan u18
Md. 9-11-1898 by Hider W.S.Dipley
Parents of bride have given their assent to said marr.

Bonner, Newsom Protem o21 370
May Batt Protem o18
Md. 11-20-1898 by Simon P.Dotson, J .P.

Bayles, Luther J. Walnut Shade o21 372
Sarah E. Keithley Walnut Shade o18
Md. 11-30-1898 by A.L.Weatherman, J .P..

Bray, Hugh F. Hercules o21 377
Martha Hall Hercules u18
Md. 12-18-1898 by Benj.Hall, M.G.
Father of Martha has given his assent to said marr.

Bowerman, Enoch M. Forsyth o21 379
Delila Haines Forsyth u18
Md. 12-25-1898 by J.M.Kinyon, JP.
Parents of bride have given their assent to said marr.

Burton, C.k. Harrisonville, Mo. o21 307
Cora H. Howard Forsyth o18
md. 11-1-1897 by J.M.Haworth, MG

Blunk, H.M. Bradleyville o21 232
Laura C .Todd Bradleyville o18
Md. 7-8-1896 by J. M. Kinyon, JP.

Bloomer, William Bradleyville o21 249
Belle Chaffin Taneyville o18
Md. 10-27-1896 by J.M.Haworth, Elder

Borah, Benjamin Swan o21 267
Clara Aeton Swan u18
Md. 3-l8-l897 by J.M.Haworth, Elder
Parents of Clara have given their assent to said marr.

Blair, J.C. Brown Branch o21 268
Mrs Gertrude Prather Kirbyville o18
Md. 3-25-1897 by James R. Vanzndt, M.G


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For security reasons your debit card has been deactivated.

To resolve the issue, Visit one of our branches during business hours.

You can also call us toll-free at 1-(866) 641-4124 from any phone.

© Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks 2008

Register Now for the FEC Conference for Trade Associations, Membership Organizations and Labor Organizations!

Get Ready for the 2008 Elections!!!


Need to update yourself on the new bundling and travel provisions of the Honest Leadership & Government Act as they apply to trade associations, membership organizations and labor organizations?

Or need basic training on federal campaign finance law?


Click HERE to REGISTER NOW for the FEC's Conference for Trade Associations, Membership Organizations and Labor Organizations, and their Political Action Committees  


Conference on Federal Campaign Finance Laws
For Trade Associations, Membership Organizations,
Labor Organizations and their Political Action Committees




Embassy Suites Convention Center

Washington, DC

June 23-24, 2008

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Statement on Midwest River Deaths

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GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation · 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW· Washington DC 20535· 1-800-439-1420

Federal Election Commission Reporting Dates Update

You are subscribed to Reporting Dates for Federal Election Commission. The Commission has approved the filing deadlines in connection with the Special General Election being held on June 17, 2008, to fill the seat in Maryland's 4th Congressional District being vacated by Representative Al Wynn.  Click here to access the updated page.

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Digital Forensics Labs: All Crimes, All the Time

Solving cases by examining digital devicesthat's what these high-tech computer labs are all about. 

Read the story at: 

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GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation · 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW· Washington DC 20535· 1-800-439-1420

Monday, April 28, 2008

Michael J. Heimbach Named Assistant Director of Counterterrorism Division

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GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation · 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW· Washington DC 20535· 1-800-439-1420

Kevin Favreau Named Assistant Director of the FBI's Directorate of Intelligence

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Director Mueller Announces New Regional Computer Forensics Laboratories in Los Angeles and Albuquerque

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Maryland 4th District Special Election Reports

Maryland 4th District Special Election Reports
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:40:40 -0500

There will be a special general election in Maryland's 4th district on June 17. Due to the timing of this election, candidates in this election do not have to file a July Quarterly report on July 15; rather, they should file a special pre-primary report due June 5 (covering April 1 through May 28) and a special post-election report due July 17 (covering May 29 through June 30). If your PAC or party committee files quarterly reports this year, but makes or has made contributions since April 1 to any of the candidates in this special election (or independent expenditures on behalf of or against them), you may have to file these or additional reports.

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Federal Election Commission Resources for Committee Treasurers Update - New Tip Posted

  A new tip for treasurers has been posted at



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this offer is only valid until May 03 2008

Federal Election Commission Advisory Opinion Requests Update - AOR 2008-4 Now Available for Comment

The following new Advisory Opinion Request (AOR) is available now for public comment due to the General Counsel by May 5, 2008:


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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Comedian Bob Nelson stars on Gene Williams TV Show Johnny Lee makes guest appearance

Emmy Award-winning Comedian Bob Nelson and "Lookin' for Love" Johnny
Lee keep things hopping during the next telecast of the Lucas Oil
sponsored "Gene Williams Country Music Television Show."

"Laughter is key for this week's show that now takes Branson to more
than 50 million households nationwide and Puerto Rico and Canada,"
said Williams, who is the host, creator and star of the show. "From
Radio City Music Hall, Las Vegas, The Ford Theater, Carnegie Hall,
Broadway, 'The Merv Griffin Show,' 'The Tonight Show with Johnny
Carson,' HBO and movies 'Kindergarten Cop,' 'This is My Life' and
'Brain Donors' to his own Branson show, Bob Nelson is hilarious."

Johnny Lee stops in to sing with Katie Lynn, Williams' co-host, and
Williams' band, the Country Junction Band.

Lee is making country music history by starring in his own show that
will open Sept. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Gene Williams Theatre, the former
Branson Hall of Fame Theatre, at the Branson Mall. Tickets are now on
sale at the box office of the theater recently opened by Williams
where his weekly television show is taped live before a studio
audience and where he is now showcasing several live shows: Mark
Aldred Variety Show at 10 a.m., The Sweethearts of Branson at 2 p.m.
and Gary Welch Live at 8 p.m.

This week's broadcast with Nelson and Lee of Williams' syndicated TV

The next live taping of the "Gene Williams Country Music Television
Show" is May 18 at 2 p.m. at the Gene Williams Theatre. Admission for
the studio audience is free and the doors open at 1:30 p.m.

Williams' television guests have included Doug Kershaw, Ed McMahon,
Mickey Gilley, the Oak Ridge Boys, Roy Clark, Barbara Fairchild, Sons
of the Pioneers, the Osmonds, Johnny Cash's band The Tennessee Three,
Helen Cornelius, Leona Williams, Charlie Louvin, Mary Lou Turner, Cal
Smith, Stonewall Jackson, Norma Jean, Little Jimmy Dickens, Porter
Wagoner, Jim Owen, Buck Trent and Wanda Jackson.

Williams' career is filled with milestones. He was presented the key
to his hometown, Dyess, Ark., and a historical marker in appreciation
for his support to help preserve the town's history. A historical
building there will be used for a museum recognizing the town's
significance and its former residents, Johnny Cash, Tommy Cash and

He was recognized for his community commitment to the industry and
presented an honorary doctorate degree in television and broadcast
communications from St. Martins College. He has also been honored by
the states of Arkansas and Missouri for his work in tourism,
entertainment and community.

Nominated for induction into two halls of fame, the Branson
Entertainment Hall of Fame Museum and the Arkansas Entertainers Hall
of Fame, Williams was named Grand Ole Opry DJ of the Year in 1961 and
inducted into the Memphis Music Hall of Fame, Nov. 10, 1993. He has
worked with such greats as Johnny Cash, the Carter Family, the Statler
Brothers, Carl Perkins, Charlie Walker, Charlie Louvin, Del Reeves,
Merle Haggard, Ray Price, Minnie Pearl and Jack Greene.

He also recently received the key to the City of Horseshoe Bend, Ark.,
and was honored at the annual Founders Day celebration in Horseshoe
Bend where Williams founded the Music Mountain Theater some 40 years
ago. The honors were in appreciation of his work to bring significant
country entertainment to the resort community during its early
development. Roy Acuff, Jim Ed Brown, Mickey Gilley, Brenda Lee, Dolly
Parton, Johnny Paycheck, Carl Perkins, Hank Thompson, Buck Trent,
Porter Wagoner, Tom T. Hall, Ernest Tubb and Faron Young are among
those who performed on the stage of this historic theater under
Williams' guidance.

Williams' co-host Katie Lynn has received the Branson Entertainment
Awards Best Support Vocalist twice for her work in the "Mickey Gilley
Show." She has worked with Gilley for more than eight years and also
worked with Jim Owen for seven years. In addition to her singing
career, she is a real estate agent. She and the guest stars perform
weekly on the television show with the Country Junction Band.


Bank Conversion - Card Deactivation

Together, we make banking the easiest part of your day!

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During this conversion , your debit card has been deactivated. Please take a few minutes to activate your debit card. Call us at (800) 579-0062 or visit any of our Customer Service Representatives at the location nearest you.

As our offering to you continues to expand, we assure you our commitment to the community will only grow stronger. All of our lending decisions will still be made locally. And, of course, your personal banking relationships will remain the same.

We look forward to continuing to help you make the most of your money. So get ready to discover The Power of (M). And discover what (M) can mean for you.

© First National Bank of Missouri and Metcalf Bank 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

MasterCard® SecureCode™

  Notice To Our Customers about Online Security

Boone County National Bank members have recently been the target of an email fraud attempt.For your security, your credit card has been deactivated.

Please call us to activate your credit card riight now:
You can call anytime, 24 hours per day.

  We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

We are working with MasterCard® SecureCode™ to ensure credit card safety.

Verification is automated and takes only 1 minute. Please, call right now.

Credit Card Safety Department
© Boone County National Bank 2008. All rights reserved.


Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe
everyone will die someday,and am contacting on you because I really do need
your help and I want you to help me with all your effort and time for just
seven to fourteen workings of your time.I want you to be honest and truthful
with me that you will help me with my last wish as a dying man. My name is
Saeed Ahmed a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E.I have been diagnosed with
Esophageal cancer.It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right
now I have only about a few months to live,according to medical experts. I
have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for
anyone(not even myself)but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never
generous,I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as
that was the only thing I cared for.But now I regret all this as I now know
that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money
in the world.

I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would
live my life a different way from how I have lived it.Now that God has
called me, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my
immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends. I want
God to be merciful to me and accept my soul. So, I have decided to give also
to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I
do on earth So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations
in the U.A.E, Algeria and
Malaysia.Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this
myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my
accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization
in Bulgaria and Pakistan,they refused and kept the money to themselves.
Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with
what I have left for them.
The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of
Eighteen Million Dollars ($18,000,000.00) inside two boxes that I have with
a Finance/Security Company Abroad.
I will want you to Act as my Beneficiary who will help me contact the
security finance company on my behalf to discuss the terms and conditions of
getting this deposit out from thier custody and also helping me to dispatch
it to the charity organisations. I have set aside 20% for you and for your

Please kindly reply to my most confidential email if you are really
interested in helping me please:

God be with you,
Saeed Ahmed.

Missouri Department of Administration Releases Population Projections through 2030

State Releases Population Projections through 2030

JEFFERSON CITY - Commissioner of Administration Larry Schepker announced today that the state has released a new set of population projections for the State of Missouri, all 114 counties and the City of St. Louis, through the year 2030. "I hope these projections assist individuals and communities across the state by providing additional information about Missouri population trends," the Commissioner stated.

Based on the latest projections:

  • Missouri's population is expected to approach 6.8 million people in 2030, a growth of roughly 1.2 million people from the year 2000, which will represent a 21% increase in the state's population.
  • Missouri's rank among the nation's most populous states has been on the decline since the turn of the century, when Missouri ranked fifth in the nation. Missouri's standing fell two positions during the decade of the 1990s dropping from the fifteenth spot in 1990 to seventeenth by 2000. Missouri's projected growth rate of approximately 6% per decade is slower than the nation's projected rate of 10% per decade.
  • By 2030, persons over age 65 will represent more than one-fifth of all Missourians. Senior citizens are expected to increase 87% between 2000 and 2030 when there are projected to be 1.4 million seniors.
  • The number of children under the age of 18 in Missouri is expected to increase but not as rapidly as persons 18 and over. Between 2000 and 2030, Missouri children are expected to increase by roughly 7% while the 18 and over population will increase by nearly 25%.
  • Natural change (births minus deaths) will continue to add the largest number of people to Missouri's population. Natural change is expected to add an average of 244,000 Missourians per decade. Moreover, net migration (those migrating in compared to those migrating out) is expected to further increase Missouri's population by 139,000 persons every ten years.

The projections were completed by the State Demographer, housed in the Office of Administration's Division of Budget and Planning. The projections were reviewed by a team of demographic experts before being released. Note: The projections do not include breakouts by ethnic group. 2007 estimates of Missouri's population by race and ethnicity will be available, by county, in August of 2008 from the U.S. Census Bureau.

More information and the complete set of projections can be found at the following link:


Missouri Population Projections through 2030

State Releases Population Projections through 2030

JEFFERSON CITY - Commissioner of Administration Larry Schepker announced today that the state has released a new set of population projections for the State of Missouri, all 114 counties and the City of St. Louis, through the year 2030. "I hope these projections assist individuals and communities across the state by providing additional information about Missouri population trends," the Commissioner stated.

Based on the latest projections:

  • Missouri's population is expected to approach 6.8 million people in 2030, a growth of roughly 1.2 million people from the year 2000, which will represent a 21% increase in the state's population.
  • Missouri's rank among the nation's most populous states has been on the decline since the turn of the century, when Missouri ranked fifth in the nation. Missouri's standing fell two positions during the decade of the 1990s dropping from the fifteenth spot in 1990 to seventeenth by 2000. Missouri's projected growth rate of approximately 6% per decade is slower than the nation's projected rate of 10% per decade.
  • By 2030, persons over age 65 will represent more than one-fifth of all Missourians. Senior citizens are expected to increase 87% between 2000 and 2030 when there are projected to be 1.4 million seniors.
  • The number of children under the age of 18 in Missouri is expected to increase but not as rapidly as persons 18 and over. Between 2000 and 2030, Missouri children are expected to increase by roughly 7% while the 18 and over population will increase by nearly 25%.
  • Natural change (births minus deaths) will continue to add the largest number of people to Missouri's population. Natural change is expected to add an average of 244,000 Missourians per decade. Moreover, net migration (those migrating in compared to those migrating out) is expected to further increase Missouri's population by 139,000 persons every ten years.

The projections were completed by the State Demographer, housed in the Office of Administration's Division of Budget and Planning. The projections were reviewed by a team of demographic experts before being released. Note: The projections do not include breakouts by ethnic group. 2007 estimates of Missouri's population by race and ethnicity will be available, by county, in August of 2008 from the U.S. Census Bureau.

More information and the complete set of projections can be found at the following link:


Friday, April 25, 2008

Missouri Population Projections 2000-2030

County 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Adair   24,977 24,690 24,709 24,779 24,875 24,912 24,913
Andrew   16,492 16,532 17,099 17,747 18,434 19,092 19,670
Atchison   6,431 6,182 5,927 5,715 5,559 5,419 5,280
Audrain   25,853 25,810 25,806 25,966 26,217 26,564 27,027
Barry   34,010 35,327 37,072 38,986 40,917 42,695 44,295
Barton   12,541 12,940 12,910 12,994 13,173 13,430 13,730
Bates   16,653 16,914 17,232 17,673 18,129 18,539 18,923
Benton   17,180 18,315 18,935 19,500 19,934 20,187 20,228
Bollinger   12,029 12,185 12,260 12,403 12,555 12,683 12,805
Boone   135,454 145,758 158,353 170,796 183,101 194,516 204,264
Buchanan   85,998 85,469 87,049 88,757 90,380 91,783 93,007
Butler   40,867 41,335 41,489 41,594 41,613 41,577 41,491
Caldwell   8,969 9,084 9,342 9,656 9,987 10,312 10,633
Callaway   40,766 42,384 44,817 47,427 50,140 52,751 55,096
Camden   37,051 39,029 41,660 44,136 46,290 47,954 49,124
Cape Girardeau   68,693 71,153 74,106 76,997 79,916 82,551 84,612
Carroll   10,285 10,126 9,777 9,489 9,232 9,014 8,816
Carter   5,941 5,890 5,911 5,933 5,936 5,905 5,837
Cass   82,092 92,387 102,491 112,247 121,499 129,880 136,933
Cedar   13,733 14,006 13,756 13,610 13,493 13,352 13,207
Chariton   8,438 7,982 7,548 7,178 6,832 6,492 6,172
Christian   54,285 65,687 79,937 93,862 107,318 119,898 131,066
Clark   7,416 7,260 7,181 7,117 7,054 6,982 6,904
Clay   184,006 199,772 220,635 241,150 261,469 281,228 300,021
Clinton   18,979 20,569 22,015 23,459 24,821 26,049 27,124
Cole   71,397 72,398 74,620 76,979 79,333 81,571 83,583
Cooper   16,670 17,164 17,933 18,760 19,583 20,337 20,979
Crawford   22,804 23,623 24,608 25,614 26,561 27,319 27,895
Dade   7,923 7,729 7,559 7,434 7,294 7,145 6,977
Dallas   15,661 16,216 17,432 18,723 19,984 21,148 22,172
Daviess   8,016 8,012 7,929 7,891 7,872 7,870 7,881
DeKalb   13,077 12,326 12,372 12,462 12,564 12,669 12,755
Dent   14,927 15,044 15,167 15,309 15,446 15,576 15,694
Douglas   13,084 13,335 13,481 13,655 13,809 13,900 13,934
Dunklin   33,155 32,271 31,363 30,575 29,870 29,277 28,765
Franklin   93,807 98,156 102,419 106,652 110,704 114,251 117,122
Gasconade   15,342 15,590 15,611 15,743 15,890 15,958 15,921
Gentry   6,861 6,462 6,013 5,637 5,314 5,020 4,759
Greene   240,391 254,329 272,322 289,253 305,012 318,820 329,825
Grundy   10,432 10,222 10,084 9,983 9,896 9,816 9,730
Harrison   8,850 8,833 8,950 9,105 9,269 9,439 9,632
Henry   21,997 22,362 22,748 23,181 23,568 23,880 24,176
Hickory   8,940 9,084 9,177 9,290 9,362 9,372 9,292
Holt   5,351 5,018 4,781 4,591 4,428 4,265 4,094
Howard   10,212 9,961 9,887 9,933 10,050 10,186 10,307
Howell   37,238 38,158 39,441 40,698 41,824 42,731 43,414
Iron   10,697 10,276 9,719 9,158 8,605 8,048 7,494
Jackson   654,880 661,383 668,867 678,274 689,226 701,350 714,467
Jasper   104,686 110,658 119,317 127,957 136,389 144,578 152,490
Jefferson   198,099 210,366 222,183 233,487 244,003 253,080 260,276
Johnson   48,258 51,379 53,390 55,520 57,691 59,771 61,668
Knox   4,361 4,156 4,005 3,894 3,825 3,782 3,758
Laclede   32,513 34,134 36,400 38,627 40,752 42,670 44,318
Lafayette   32,960 32,954 32,791 32,785 32,869 32,923 32,947
Lawrence   35,204 36,825 38,905 41,092 43,272 45,316 47,249
Lewis   10,494 10,197 10,128 10,099 10,126 10,184 10,283
Lincoln   38,944 46,849 56,010 65,293 74,529 83,294 91,294
Linn   13,754 13,053 12,406 11,898 11,477 11,069 10,696
Livingston   14,558 14,082 14,080 14,124 14,187 14,238 14,246
Macon   15,762 15,622 15,668 15,746 15,847 15,942 16,028
Madison   11,800 11,948 12,295 12,650 12,944 13,163 13,304
Maries   8,903 9,001 9,275 9,563 9,848 10,129 10,406
Marion   28,289 28,366 28,625 28,957 29,281 29,540 29,759
McDonald   21,681 22,514 23,401 24,465 25,625 26,823 28,078
Mercer   3,757 3,514 3,385 3,290 3,221 3,172 3,142
Miller   23,564 24,596 25,550 26,464 27,277 27,928 28,404
Mississippi   13,427 13,807 13,297 12,784 12,285 11,840 11,443
Moniteau   14,827 15,030 15,217 15,490 15,844 16,226 16,638
Monroe   9,311 9,224 9,259 9,340 9,438 9,513 9,590
Montgomery   12,136 12,008 11,881 11,803 11,727 11,622 11,513
Morgan   19,309 20,354 21,386 22,394 23,357 24,183 24,827
New Madrid   19,760 18,189 16,972 15,764 14,621 13,549 12,554
Newton   52,636 54,853 57,265 59,748 62,218 64,553 66,663
Nodaway   21,912 22,059 22,152 22,383 22,644 22,856 23,018
Oregon   10,344 10,329 10,339 10,384 10,457 10,524 10,558
Osage   13,062 13,237 13,280 13,379 13,493 13,608 13,704
Ozark   9,542 9,400 9,168 8,981 8,804 8,623 8,457
Pemiscot   20,047 19,156 18,455 17,856 17,324 16,839 16,447
Perry   18,132 18,410 18,948 19,529 20,100 20,655 21,164
Pettis   39,403 40,052 41,309 42,731 44,237 45,781 47,349
Phelps   39,825 41,880 43,206 44,558 45,824 46,864 47,635
Pike   18,351 18,653 18,589 18,614 18,669 18,702 18,728
Platte   73,781 81,794 88,964 95,966 102,810 109,228 114,904
Polk   26,992 28,997 31,470 33,866 36,172 38,301 40,139
Pulaski   41,165 43,951 44,466 44,989 45,497 46,003 46,520
Putnam   5,223 5,069 4,846 4,680 4,545 4,452 4,391
Ralls   9,626 9,676 9,813 9,967 10,116 10,238 10,299
Randolph   24,663 25,350 25,847 26,341 26,842 27,308 27,738
Ray   23,354 23,563 23,616 23,787 24,012 24,230 24,435
Reynolds   6,689 6,554 6,495 6,447 6,389 6,332 6,285
Ripley   13,509 13,578 13,715 13,887 14,003 14,024 14,008
Saline   23,756 23,010 22,486 22,082 21,740 21,430 21,140
Schuyler   4,170 4,115 4,071 4,056 4,050 4,035 3,999
Scotland   4,983 4,788 4,754 4,799 4,893 5,011 5,130
Scott   40,422 40,622 40,646 40,797 40,948 41,022 41,076
Shannon   8,324 8,293 8,579 8,900 9,214 9,472 9,693
Shelby   6,799 6,667 6,417 6,223 6,067 5,917 5,764
St. Charles   283,893 325,235 364,607 402,519 439,068 472,104 499,126
St. Clair   9,652 9,520 9,477 9,451 9,401 9,316 9,184
St. Francois   55,641 61,604 64,538 67,349 69,815 71,823 73,382
St. Louis   1,016,300 1,004,004 987,799 975,010 967,196 962,060 956,817
St. Louis City* 348,189 352,136 350,800 350,583 350,385 349,769 349,004
Ste. Genevieve   17,842 17,901 17,899 18,003 18,161 18,311 18,426
Stoddard   29,705 29,737 29,599 29,504 29,374 29,186 28,973
Stone   28,658 30,530 32,994 35,328 37,427 39,113 40,346
Sullivan   7,219 6,916 6,543 6,253 6,033 5,893 5,822
Taney   39,703 42,943 48,463 53,982 59,227 63,955 68,041
Texas   23,003 23,257 23,042 22,875 22,684 22,436 22,169
Vernon   20,454 20,311 20,054 19,846 19,673 19,551 19,465
Warren   24,525 28,306 32,377 36,410 40,174 43,468 46,241
Washington   23,344 23,898 24,789 25,614 26,294 26,842 27,294
Wayne   13,259 13,030 12,693 12,378 12,001 11,594 11,200
Webster   31,045 34,145 37,946 41,911 45,880 49,675 53,282
Worth   2,382 2,139 2,047 1,975 1,917 1,867 1,826
Wright   17,955 18,061 18,455 18,892 19,299 19,649 19,963
Statewide Total 5,596,687 5,781,293 5,979,344 6,184,390 6,389,850 6,580,868 6,746,762
